What are the Jet Streams? What is the significance of Jet Streams?
Jet streams are the concentrated bands of rapid air movement found in the troposphere and stratosphere. The meeting front of warm and cold winds along the sub-tropical zone near 30° latitude and polar front along 60° latitude. Jet streams transport moisture and help in the formation of cyclonic winds. Jet streams are used to forecast the weather, especially for air travel so that the flying should be done according to the jet-streams. Mostly, these jet-streams blow from west to east with the Westerlies.
Name two types of variable winds? Why are they so called?
Why are cyclones frequent in summer in the tropical region?
Mention any two differences between Tropical Cyclones and Temperature Cyclones.
How are cyclones named differently in different parts of the world?
What are the two chief characteristics of anticyclones?
Distinguish between the following:
Cyclones and Anticyclones.
Describe the world distribution of pressure.
______ is called the eye of the storm/cyclone.
Cyclones cause huge loss of life and property.
How are cyclones classified?