It ploughs soil before _________.
It ploughs soil before Farmer.
'He is free to play the flute all day as well-fed tigers and fat sheep drink from the same pond
with a full stomach for a common bond.'
What do the phrases 'play the flute all day' and 'a common bond' refer to?
Name the festival that you enjoy most of all. Fill in the facts about that festival.
- Name of the festival:
- When it is celebrated:
- Why it is celebrated:
- How it is celebrated:
- Special cuisine:
- Other special features:
Give reasons :
Oberon and Titania fight for the custody of the Indian boy because - Oberon wants __________________.
Make a time table of your daily routine
- On a school day
- On a holiday, and
- During examinations.
Start at the time you normally get up and list your activities
hourly: 7 am to 8 am, and so on.
Write about how you take care of your books.
Guess the meaning of weary.
The boar slept until the fading sun told him it was time to get up. What does the phrase until the fading sun mean?
Which planet has red storm?
Are you the first to protect the nature?
Ani valued honesty.