
Mark the following in the outline map of Brazil supplied to you, write the names and give index: (1) Marajo Island (2) Pico-De-Neblina (3) Pantanal Wetland (4) Drought Quadrilateral - Geography



Mark the following in the outline map of Brazil supplied to you, write the names and give index:

(1) Marajo Island
(2) Pico-De-Neblina
(3) Pantanal Wetland
(4) Drought Quadrilateral
(5) Caatinga
(6) Golden Lion-Tamarin



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2018-2019 (March) Set 1


Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence:

------------ is seen as one of the world’s major markets and contributor to economic growth of the world.

Between India and Brazil, whose per capita income is less?

A) Draw a suitable Line graph with help of following statistical information and answer the following questions.

                                    Number of international tourists (in lakhs)

tourists (in lakhs)
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Brazil 20 50 45 40 50
India 20 21 30 50 140

1) In which year is the number of tourists maximum in India ?
2) In year 2000, how many tourists visited Brazil?
3) In which year India and Brazil have the same number of international tourists?

State whether the sentence is right or wrong and correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence

Like the Indian economy, the Brazilian economy is also of mixed type.

Give reason.

There is mixed economy in Brazil and India.

Which type of occupations gives a boost to the development of a country’s economy?

Which type of economy is found in Brazil?

Observe the following graph and answer the questions given below-

  1. Which country has a higher percent of the population engaged in primary activities?
  2. In which country is the contribution of tertiary sector greater in the GDP?
  3. In which country is the share of secondary activities more in the GDP?
  4. Can we say that Brazil is an agrarian economy like India? Give reasons.
  5. Which country has a higher percent of the population engaged in secondary activities?
  6. How muchpercent of population is engaged in tertiary activities in India?

Read the following graph and answer the questions:

India and Brazil Contribution of sectors in national income and percentage of population engaged in the sector.

  1. Name the sectors mentioned in the graph.
  2. Which sector contributes the highest in National income in India?
  3. How much percent of population is engaged in primary sector in Brasil?

Read the following graph and answer the questions:

India and Brazil

Contribution of sectors in national income and percentage of population engaged in the sector.


  1. Name the sectors mentioned in the graph.
  2. Which sector contributes the highest in National income in India?
  3. How much percent of population is engaged in primary sector in Brazil?
  4. Out of given two countries, the share of primary sector to the national income is less.
  5. Which country's contribution of tertiary sector to the national income is less?
  6. In which sector 19% population of Brazil is engaged?



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