
Geography Set 1 2018-2019 SSC (English Medium) 10th Standard Board Exam Question Paper Solution

Geography [Set 1]
Marks: 40 Maharashtra State Board
SSC (English Medium)

Academic Year: 2018-2019
Date & Time: 22nd March 2019, 11:00 am
Duration: 2h

1) All questions/activities are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) For Q. No. 4(A) use supplied outline map of Brazil and tie it to your answer-book.
4) For Q. No. 6(A) use the graph paper supplied to you and attach it to the main anwserbook.
5) Use of stencil is allowed for drawing map.
6) Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
7) Answer should be written in Black and Blue ink only.
8) Use of pencil/colour pencil is allowed for diagrams, sketches and map work.
9) Answeres written in pencils will not be considered.

[4]1 | Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate alternatives from those given and rewrite the sentences in your answer-book :

Brazil is covered mainly by________



Mountainous region

Dissected hills

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Physiography and Drainage

India’s climate is of ______________ type





Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Climate

Teak is mainly found in the ______________.


Thorny and bush



Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.08] Economy and Occupations

Brazil is the largest exporter of ______ in the world.

Mineral oil




Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.08] Economy and Occupations

Find the odd man out :

States in India : 

Madhya Pradesh




Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Location and Extent

Find the odd man out :

With reference to flora of India :





Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Location and Extent

Find the odd man out :

Members of BRICS :




Saudi Arabia

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Location and Extent

Find the odd man out :

Favourable factors affecting population distribution :

Nearness to sea 

Lack of roads 

Cultivable land 

New cities and towns

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] Population
[4]3 | Attempt any four

State whether the sentence is right or wrong and correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence:

During field visit, vegetation is not the indicator of difference in precipitation.



Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

State whether the sentence is right or wrong and correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence:

The river Ganga originates from the Yamunotri glacier.



Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Physiography and Drainage

State whether the sentence is right or wrong and correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence

Brazil is mainly located in the Southern hemisphere.



Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Physiography and Drainage

State whether the sentence is right or wrong and correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence.

The western part of Brazil is densely populated.



Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] Population

State whether the sentence is right or wrong and correct the wrong ones and rewrite the sentence

Like the Indian economy, the Brazilian economy is also of mixed type.



Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.08] Economy and Occupations
[4]4.1 | Attempt any four :

Mark the following in the outline map of Brazil supplied to you, write the names and give index:

(1) Marajo Island
(2) Pico-De-Neblina
(3) Pantanal Wetland
(4) Drought Quadrilateral
(5) Caatinga
(6) Golden Lion-Tamarin

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.08] Economy and Occupations
[4]4.2 | Attempt any four :

Observe the given map and answer the questions given below it:

  1. What does the map show?
  2. Name any two airports from Eastern coast.
  3. In which states, railway routes are not exist?
  4. Name the Southernmost railway station of India.
  5. Which is the important railway station on the route of Mumbai Mangalore?
  6. Name the Northernmost airport of India.
Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Tourism, Transport and Communication
[6]5 | Attempt any two

Give geographical reason for the following:

There are fewer natural ports on the eastern coast of India.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Physiography and Drainage

Give geographical reason for the following:

The evergreen rain forests in Brazil are rightly called in ‘Lungs of the world’.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Give a geographical reason for the following:

Settlements are sparse in North-eastern Brazil.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.07] Human Settlements

Give geographical reason for the following:

A dense network of railways has developed in the North Indian plains

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Tourism, Transport and Communication
[6]6 | Attempt any one

With the help of given statistical data prepare a simple bar graph and answer the following questions:

India – Trend of Urbanisation (1961-2011)

Year  Percentage of Urban Population
1961   18.0
1971   18.2
1981  23.3
1991 25.7
2001 27.8
2011 31.2

(1) What is the interval of the data?

(2) Which decade shows slow rate of urbanisation?

(3) Which decade shows high rate of urbanisation?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] Population

Observe the following graphs and answer the questions given below them:

(1) What do the above graphs show?

(2) Which country has highest male population?

(3) Which country has highest female population?

(4) Which country has rapid increase in female population after 2001?

(5) What was the female population in India in 1961?

(6) Which country has more than 1000 female population?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.06] Population
[8]7 | Attempt any two:

Answer the following question in detail:

How will you manage the litter during the field visit?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.01] Field Visit

Answer the following question in detail:

How are Brazil and India different from each other in terms of location?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Location and Extent

Discuss the factors affecting the climate of Brazil.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Climate

Answer the following question in detail:

What are the similarities and differences in the fishing activities in Brazil and India?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.08] Economy and Occupations

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Maharashtra State Board previous year question papers 10th Standard Board Exam Geography with solutions 2018 - 2019

     Maharashtra State Board 10th Standard Board Exam question paper solution is key to score more marks in final exams. Students who have used our past year paper solution have significantly improved in speed and boosted their confidence to solve any question in the examination. Our Maharashtra State Board 10th Standard Board Exam question paper 2019 serve as a catalyst to prepare for your Geography board examination.
     Previous year Question paper for Maharashtra State Board 10th Standard Board Exam -2019 is solved by experts. Solved question papers gives you the chance to check yourself after your mock test.
     By referring the question paper Solutions for Geography, you can scale your preparation level and work on your weak areas. It will also help the candidates in developing the time-management skills. Practice makes perfect, and there is no better way to practice than to attempt previous year question paper solutions of Maharashtra State Board 10th Standard Board Exam.

How Maharashtra State Board 10th Standard Board Exam Question Paper solutions Help Students ?
• Question paper solutions for Geography will helps students to prepare for exam.
• Question paper with answer will boost students confidence in exam time and also give you an idea About the important questions and topics to be prepared for the board exam.
• For finding solution of question papers no need to refer so multiple sources like textbook or guides.


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