Name the following:
The substance added to get rid of gangue in the extraction of metal.
Name the most abundant metal in the earth's crust.
When an object made of metal A is kept in air for a considerable time, it loses its shine and becomes almost black due to the formation of a layer of substance B. When an object made of another metal C is kept in damp air for a considerable time, it gets covered with a green layer of substance D. Metal A is the best conductor of electricity whereas metal C is the next best conductor of electricity.
(a) What is metal A?
(b) What is metal C?
(c) Name the substance B.
(d) Name the substance D.
Aluminum is used in thermite welding:
write reaction for process?
Name the following:
The mixture of materials fed into a furnace to extract a metal.
Define the term : Slag
The following question relate to the extraction of aluminium by electrolysis.
Give the equation for the reaction which takes place at the cathode.
The allotrope of the non-metal carbon which conducts electricity.
Usually ______ ores are subjected to ______ which is done in the absence of air.
_______ is the least reactive metal.
Explain concept with example/explain with the help of a balanced equation.