Karnataka Board PUCPUC Science 2nd PUC Class 12

Predict the product of electrolysis in the following: An aqueous solution of \\ce{AgNO3}\ with silver electrodes. - Chemistry



Predict the product of electrolysis in the following:

An aqueous solution of \[\ce{AgNO3}\] with silver electrodes.

Chemical Equations/Structures
Short Answer


\[\ce{AgNO3_{(aq)} -> Ag^+_{( aq)} + NO^-_{3( aq)}}\]

\[\ce{H2O ⇌ H^+ + OH^-}\]

At cathode: Since the reduction potential of silver (+0.80 V) is higher than that of water (−0.830 V), \[\ce{Ag+}\] will be preferentially reduced and silver metal will be deposited at the cathode.

\[\ce{Ag^+_{( aq)} + e^- -> Ag_{(s)}}\]

At anode: The following reaction will take place –

\[\ce{H2O_{(l)} -> 1/2O2_{(g)} + 2H^+_{( aq)}}\]

\[\ce{NO^-_{3( aq)} -> NO3 + e^-}\]

\[\ce{Ag_{(s)} + Ag^+_{( aq)} + e^-}\]

In these reactions, the reduction potential of copper is the lowest. Therefore, silver itself will be converted into \[\ce{Ag+}\] as a result of oxidation at the anode and the \[\ce{Ag+}\] ions will go into solution.

\[\ce{Ag_{(s)} -> Ag^+_{( aq)} + e^-}\]

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Chapter 3: Electrochemistry - Exercises [Page 92]


NCERT Chemistry [English] Class 12
Chapter 3 Electrochemistry
Exercises | Q 18.1 | Page 92


Predict the product of electrolysis in the following:

An aqueous solution of \[\ce{AgNO3}\] with platinum electrodes.

Predict the product of electrolysis in the following:

A dilute solution of \[\ce{H2SO4}\] with platinum electrodes.

Predict the product of electrolysis in the following:

An aqueous solution of \[\ce{CuCl2}\] with platinum electrodes.

How much electricity is required in coulomb for the oxidation of 1 mol of \[\ce{FeO}\] to \[\ce{Fe2O3}\]?

Using the standard electrode potentials, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:

\[\ce{Fe^{3+}_{( aq)}}\] and \[\ce{I^-_{( aq)}}\]

Using the standard electrode potentials, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:

\[\ce{Ag^+_{( aq)}}\] and \[\ce{Cu_{(s)}}\]

Using the standard electrode potentials, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:

\[\ce{Fe^{3+}_{( aq)}}\] and \[\ce{Br^-_{( aq)}}\]

Using the standard electrode potentials, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:

\[\ce{Ag_{(s)}}\] and \[\ce{Fe^{3+}_{( aq)}}\]

Using the standard electrode potentials, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:

\[\ce{Br2_{(aq)}}\] and \[\ce{Fe^{2+}_{( aq)}}\] 

In the following reaction, identify X:

\[\ce{Cr2O^{2-}7 + X ->[H+] Cr^{3+} + H2O + Oxidized product of X}\]

Write the reaction occurring at anode and cathode and the products of electrolysis of aq KCl.

Four half-reactions, I to IV are shown below:

  1. \[\ce{2Cl^- -> Cl2 + 2e^-}\]
  2. \[\ce{4OH^- -> O2 + 2H2O + 2e^-}\]
  3. \[\ce{Na^+ + e^- -> Na}\]
  4. \[\ce{2H^+ + 2e^- -> H2}\]

Which two of these reactions are most likely to occur when concentrated brine is electrolysed?



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