
Read the following statement and mark those that apply to you. I have cordial relationships with all but I cannot connect with anyone. - English



Read the following statement and mark those that apply to you.

I have cordial relationships with all but I cannot connect with anyone.

One Line Answer


No, this does not apply to me. I have cordial relationships with everyone. But I can also connect at a deeper level with anyone.

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Chapter 1.1: Being Neighborly - Ice Breakers [Page 1]


Balbharati English - Yuvakbharati 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 1.1 Being Neighborly
Ice Breakers | Q 1. (vi) | Page 1


It was her determination that helped Helen Keller get admission to Radcliffe College. Comment.

The black kite may start a fire because

How does a black kite spread wildfire ? 

Attempt a character sketch of Squire Cass. 

Briefly explain the following statement from the text.

Gangadharpant could not help comparing the country he knew with what he was witnessing around him.

What do you understand of Einstein’s nature from his conversations with his history teacher, his mathematics teacher and the head teacher?

Discuss in pairs or groups of four.
Replacing old machines with new is better than getting them repaired.

The poetic effect is achieved in the poem through understatement and asides. Discuss this with examples.

Study the Note to Aspects of the Novel given at the end. Discuss the features that mark the piece as a talk as distinguished from a critical essay.

'Whose roots lay deeper than our lives' – what aspect of human behaviour does this line reflect?

Make groups and discuss the following:

Name a few scientists/explorers/social reformers/inventors/discoverers, who spent most of their lives to find solutions to some major problems/setbacks, that mankind faced.

Some poets do not use uniformity in rhyming words, nor a steady rhythm. Such poems with no uniformity in rhyme, rhythm, length of lines or stanzas are called Free Verse. Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Rabindranath Tagore are some famous poets who have composed poems in Free Verse. 

A quick glance at the poem ‘Vocation' reveals that the style used by Tagore is Free Verse.

Now turn the pages of your textbook and see if you can find other poems in Free Verse.

Read 'The City Planners' by Margaret Atwood.

Refer to a good dictionary that carries phonetic transcriptions printed next to words. The words below are familiar to you. Copy their phonetic transcription from the dictionary and say it aloud as you write. (You may take your teacher’s help if needed.)

  1. work ______
  2. bees ______
  3. boot ______
  4. home ______
  5. mason ______
  6. citizen ______
  7. porters ______

Use the letters in the word MATHEMATICIAN to make 4 letters/5 letter and 6 or more letter words, within a time limit fixed by your teacher.

Do as directed. (Make sure you do not change the meaning and tense of the sentence).

I am proud of you. (Rewrite using the noun form of the underlined word).

'It all builds on the charm of the 1967 film, which by itself is a must-watch for any child.'

Explain this sentence in the context of the movie, focusing on the two given phrases- 'Charm of the 1967 film' and 'must-watch'.

Use the following phrases in your own words.

  • roam around
  • again and again
  • bring something back
  • there and then

The description of the character is given below. Identify the character from the play. Find some sentences which support your choice.

He is the centre of the play.

Discuss the question after you have seen a presentation of the ‘ad’.

What does the ad tell you?

Present any one of the speeches given above.

An activity:
Speak fast, think faster! Form groups of 4-6. Discuss each of the following topics. Then each person in the group should choose a topic and speak about it for one minute. Try to say as many sentences as you can in that time

What is not likely to happen or will never happen...

‘It won’t rain in the classroom... I won’t ever see a live dinosaur... The sun will never set in the east...’ etc.

Visit a library:
Read Lewis Carroll’s book ‘Alice in Wonderland.’

Imagine you are Malti. Write about any one event in the story from Malti’s point of view.

Read the poem: ‘Home they brought her warrior dead’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Turn the story into a play as a group activity and present the scenes in the classroom.

Read the following:

  • Charging along like troops in a battle. 
  • Fly as thick as driving rain.

Using your imagination, write one or two comparisons each with -

  • like ______
  • as ______ as 

There were no human settlements on the moon.

You want to start human settlement somewhere else other than the earth, in the universe. Will you select a star or a planet? Why? What features supporting life will you look for? Try to find answers to such questions and make a presentation using scientific information and your imagination.

Answer in your own words.

Why does a mother tell Neel about his Grandpa?

Answer in your own words.

What did the ancestor from 1910 wish to do instead of making his bed?

Find the words that mean the following from the first stanza.

  • Gold hammered into a flat, thin shape: ______
  • show off proudly: ______
  • tilt, move at an angle: ______
  • across, especially in a slanting direction: ______

Name the following.

Did not let the passes go waste.

What was the businessman looking for? Why?

How was Gulliver tied down on the seashore? 

List the characters in the story and write a few lines about each of them.

Find a picture of a computer with the help of your teacher and label the different parts you see.

For example, monitor, screen, speakers, processor, mouse, mousepad, keyboard, etc. 

Who were the inhabitants of the island?

Use this passage to play the game. You can collect information on other famous personalities and play too.

Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889, in London England. His birth name was Charles Spencer Chaplin, though he had many nicknames growing up such as Charlie, Charlot, and The Little Tramp. His father, Charles Chaplin, and his mother, Hannah Chaplin, were inducted into the music hall of fame, leading the way to his exposure even as a young boy. His first onstage moment was when he was 5 years old; he sang a song that was intended to be sung by his own mother; she had become ill at the time of the performance, so little Charlie Chaplin stood instead and performed for his mother.

Charlie Chaplin came to the United States in 1910, at the age of 21. He was brought to New York, which was known to be a great place to start out for anyone trying to become a professional actor. Two years later, in 1913, Chaplin signed his very first contract at Keystone and it was no time before he headed to Hollywood. His first movie premiered in 1914, “Making a Living,” and went on to make over 35 movies total in that year alone. Charlie Chaplin grew to become one of the most popular and successful actors of all time. The moment that really kicked off his long career was in 1921 when he starred in, and produced, his first full-length film called “The Kid.” From then on, most people all over the world knew Charlie Chaplin and loved his movies. He had a great career and life, dying on December 25, 1977, in Vevey, Switzerland. He had apparently died of natural causes in his sleep from old age.

Identify the speaker/character.

‘Even though I clearly said no!’

Why was it a struggle for the children to dry their clothes?

Identify the character/speaker.

Wake up. You've been sleeping for too long.

He woke up very late in the morning.

Read the lines and answer the question given below.

Faster than fairies, faster than witches,

Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;

  1. What is faster than fairies and witches?
  2. Why does the poet mention ‘bridges and houses, hedges and ditches’? Where are the

Why does the child clamber and scramble?

Why did the farmer have to travel far?

The man didn’t want to get up because he was tired as he wcoas thrown into the ditch.

The aliens gave a new shuttle to them.

A ________ dies for the nation.

The bird-catcher decided to sit under the ________.

Identify the character/speaker.

He set the fish free.

What party is that?

Rani thought of herself as a _______ engineer.

Leaf cutter ants drink ______.

Write the rhyming word.

 larder- ______.

Do we worry when the progress is slow?

Chris enjoyed doing all sorts of things except, writing and ______.art

Why did the headmaster give Megala a special prize?

What is the poem about?

Choose the right word.

“Eat the leaves of the tamarind tree, and you’ll also sing like ______.



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