
'seems to touch the starry skies'. The poet has used word imagery. Describe the idea and pick out other similar examples from the poem. - English



'Seems to touch the starry skies'. The poet has used word imagery. Describe the idea and pick out other similar examples from the poem.

Short Note


The poet has created a mental picture of a farmer touching the sky filled with stars.

Similar examples of word imagery are as follows:

  1. Twilight hastens on to rule.
Writing Skills
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Chapter 2.2: The Sower - Brainstorming [Page 73]


Balbharati English - Yuvakbharati 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 2.2 The Sower
Brainstorming | Q (A4) (ii) | Page 73


Give your suggestions that will help the people to make Maharashtra prosperous.

In what sense is the tree ‘the harvest of a coming age’?

Why does the poet use repetition in the poem?

How is the last verse different from the other verse? Is the poet deriving a different mood than that expressed in the previous verse?

What does Wordsworth compare himself to? Why?

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

Read the above lines and answer the question that follow.

Why does the caged bird sing?

What are the techniques used by Ruskin Bond to create an atmosphere of strangeness, mystery and super naturalism in the story? Can Ruskin Bond be called a visual writer? Why?

What is the setting of “All Summer in a Day”?

Your uncle has offered to get you a pet for your birthday. Write a letter to him telling him what you would like, give reasons for your choice and tell him how you Would-take care of your pet. 

Relate something unpleasant that happened to you during your childhood that nevertheless helped you to grow up and mature.

Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. 

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
For some time Mother had greatly envied us our swimming, both in the daytime and at night, but as she pointed out when we suggested she join us, she was far too old for that sort of thing. Eventually, however, under constant pressure from us, Mother paid a visit into town and returned to the villa coyly bearing a mysterious parcel. Opening this she astonished us all by holding up an extraordinary shapeless garment of black cloth, covered from top to bottom with hundreds of frills and pleats and tucks.
‘Well, what do you think of it?’ Mother asked.
We stared at the odd garment and wondered what it was for.
‘What is it?’ asked Larry at length.
‘It’s a bathing-costume, of course,’ said Mother. “What on earth did you think it was?’ ‘It looks to me like a badly-skinned whale,’ said Larry, peering at it closely.
You can’t possibly wear that, Mother,’ said Margo, horrified, Shy, it looks as though it was made in nineteen-twenty.’
‘What are all those frills and things for?’ asked Larry with interest.
‘Decoration, of course,’ said Mother indignantly.
‘What a jolly idea! Don’t forget to shake the fish out of them when you come out of the water.’
‘Well, I like it, anyway,’ Mother said firmly, wrapping the monstrosity up again, ‘and I’m going to wear it.’
‘You’ll have to be careful you don’t get waterlogged, with all that cloth around you,’ said Leslie seriously.
‘Mother, it’s awful; you can’t wear it,’ said Margo. ‘Why on earth didn’t you get something more up to date?’
‘ When you get to my age, dear, you can’t go around in a two-piece bathing suit… you don’t have the figure for it.’
‘I’d love to know what sort of figure that was designed for,’ remarked Larry.
‘You really are hopeless, Mother,’ said Margo despairingly.
‘But I like it… and I’m not asking you to wear it,’ Mother pointed out angrily.
‘That’s right, you do what you want to do,’ agreed Larry; ‘don’t be put off. It’ll probably suit you very well if you can grow another three or four legs to go with it.’
Mother snorted indignantly and swept upstairs to try on her costume. Presently she called to us to come and see the effect, and we all trooped up to the bedroom. Roger the dog, was the first to enter, and on being greeted by this strange apparition clad in its voluminous black costume rippling with frills, he retreated hurriedly through the door, backward, barking ferociously. It was some time before we could persuade him that it really was Mother, and even then he kept giving her vaguely uncertain looks from the corner of his eye. However, in spite of all opposition, Mother stuck to her tent-like bathing- suit, and in the end we gave up.
In order to celebrate her first entry into the sea we decided to have a moonlight picnic down at the bay, and sent an invitation to Theodore, who was the only stranger that Mother would tolerate on such a great occasion. The day for the great immersion arrived, food and wine were prepared, the boat was cleaned out and filled with cushions and everything was ready when Theodore turned up.

(a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage:
One word answers or short phrases will be accepted.
  1. peering 
  2. ferociously
  3. immersion

(b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

  1. Why did mother not join the swimming in the beginning?
  2. Briefly describe her swimming costume.
  3. What did Larry think it was?
  4. Which sentence tells you that Margo thought it was old fashioned?
  5. What was Leslie’s concern?
  6. Why did mother think it was suitable?


(i) In not more than 60 words describe what happened after mother went upstairs to try on her costume.

(ii) Give a title to your summary in 3 (c) (i). Give a reason to justify your choice. 

Re-write the following sentence according to the instructions are given. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of the sentence. 

Father said to Sunil, “I can help you with your homework.”
(Begin: Father told Sunil……….)

A number of loose electric wires are hanging from a lamp post near the main gate of your school. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner explaining the problem, the danger it poses and suggests a quick solution. 

We were asked to gather_________ the teacher.

Not many people read for pleasure these days.
(Begin: Few ................................. ) 

There is a parallel drawn between rain and music. Which words indicate this? Explain the similarity between the two.

Locate the following words in the text and study their connotation.

1. gripped the imagination of

2. dawned upon

3. ushered in

4. passed into current coin

5. passport of the future

Give reasons for the following.

Satyajit not disclosing his present financial status to his uncle.

Comment on the way in which the story is narrated from Satyajit's perspective.

The author is a humorist

a. How does the story reflect his sense of humour?

b. What makes his lady friend remark - 'You are quite a humorist'?

c. Give instances of the author's ability to laugh at himself.

The words in the box are all words that describe movement. Use them to fill in the blank in the sentence below.
The birds _______________ at the snake.

A poem for you to read

All but Blind*

All but blind
In his chambered hole
Gropes for worms
The four-clawed Mole.

All but blind
In the evening sky
The hooded Bat
Twirls softly by.

All but blind

In the burning day
The Barn Owl blunders
On her way.

And blind as are
These three to me,
So, blind to Someone
I must be.

Look at these sentences.

  • Deserts are the driest places on earth.
  • Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows.

Now form pairs. Ask questions using a suitable form of the word in brackets. Try to answer the questions too.

Do you know

1. Which animal is the _______________________ (tall)?

2. Which animal runs the _______________________ (fast)?

3. Which place on earth is the _______________________ (hot) or the _______________________ (cold)?

4. Which animal is the _______________________ (large)?

5. Which is the ————————————— (tall) mountain in the world?

6. Which is the _______________________ (rainy) place on earth?

7. Which is the ________________________ (old) living animal?

Can you add some questions of your own?

Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit': Anchor.

Search in your college library or on the internet for at least five stories where a king or any great person has forgiven a losing king, culprit, or offender. There are many such stories that you might have read in your history books. One such story is of Alexander and Porus. Find at least five stories and write their summarised version in your notebook.

The cherry tree is a narrative poem. Features that make it a narrative poem are given below. Justify them with proper examples.

The poem has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

The cherry tree is a narrative poem. Features that make it a narrative poem are given below. Justify them with proper examples.

Incidents are arranged in sequence.

Refer to the library and collect at least five poems of any Nature poet. Write the poems along with their summary.

You have noticed that many of your classmates are not interested in outdoor games or participating in co-curricular activities. Discuss some ways in which they will be encouraged to participate in activities.

Start a collection of proverbs. A proverb is a short, well-known sentence or phrase that gives advice or tells you what is generally true. For example, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means ‘If one does something in time or immediately, it saves a lot of work later’. A proverb is also known as a saying. Here are some proverbs for your collection.

  • Appearances can be deceptive.
  • Do not judge by appearance; a rich heart may be under a poor coat.
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • You can’t tell a book by its cover.
  • Clothes do not make the man.

Mass media events often need comperes. Find out the area or sector in which a compere is a must. Write about the special skills needed to take up compering as a career and give some clues about how to acquire these skills.

Choose any novel/book that you enjoyed. Prepare a synopsis of the novel. It should include the major events and the links between them as described in the novel. You may prepare a chapter-wise outline first and then put the outlines together to write a brief synopsis.

Write what you think about the following thoughts and actions of Mathilde :

Mathilde returned the diamond necklace to her friend.

Hold a debate on - 'Pets or Pests?'

Write a short autobiography of a brook. (20 to 30 lines)


Prepare a set of 10-12 questions that you would ask at an interview of a person who has strongly acted against social injustice and has achieved success inspite of a long struggle against so many odds in his/her life. Write them down in your notebook.

On the next day, Mr. Scotti was __________ at how the local people responded to his queries.

You are the receptionist of your school. Your Head master instructs you to send a message to all the parents of class ten to attend a PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) meet which is to be held on 22.12.2019





Are the singers homeless travellers? Why do you think so?

Fill in the form given below.


______ do you get up?

Do you want to try to write your own paragraph now?

Write a paragraph on Palm tree.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

Fill in the blanks using the words in the previous questions.

  1. _______ and _______ and quickly! You will be late for school.
  2. Shh! The baby is _______ . Don’t make a sound, or she will
  3. Are you still _______? You should be _______ now or you will not be able to in the morning for school.

Did you observe that in the poem, the last words in every second and fourth line rhyme with each other?

Can you write a four-line poem?

Now complete the following sentence, choosing the right word.

The sum was ______ difficult for the class to solve. Only ______ students could do it.

(two, too)

Where do the following live ?

  1. Birds live in
  2. Rabbits live in
  3. Beavers live in

Some words have similar sound, but different meaning. Choose the correct word from the option and fill in the blank.

The squirrel has a long ______.

In the sentence below the capital letter, comma, full stop and question mark are missing. Put these in the correct place.

the tailor went to the market mr singh

How did the grandmother spend the last few hours of her life?

Given a chance, any adult would wish to become a child again for many reasons. Fill the boxes with some of what you imagine could be the reasons.

e.g. I need not worry about project deadlines.      
I can wear my pajamas the whole day.      
I can sleep as long as I like.      

You are the School Pupil Leader. Your school organised an Inter-School Sports event at Nehru Stadium. Write a report on the special events conducted, in about 100-120 words for the school souvenir

The photograph did not look like ______.

What are the essentials one needs to lead a comfortable life? Fill in the empty bubbles with some of them

What might success mean to the following people? Think about it and write.

A student

Observe your surroundings and write whether such facilities are available. How can you help to improve the situation?

Disability Disability Necessary facilities
Hearing loss and deafness    
Vision loss and blindness    
Speech disorders    
Physical disability    
Intellectual disability    
Learning disorder    

Which is the last play you saw?

Despite being a half monster and half human, Caliban comes across as superior to Stephano and Trinculo. Justify the statement with supporting evidence from the Acts studied in 200-250 words.

Write a composition (300-350 words) of the following:

Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.



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