State any four features of the Social environment.
The four features of the social environment are as follows:
- Customs and Traditions: This decides the celebration of various festivals like Diwali, Eid, Christmas, and its effect on business.
- Social Institutions and Groups or Social Aspects: Literacy level, educational system, cultural heritage standard of living of the various groups of people affect the social environment of business.
- Social Values: Cultural and social justice, national integration affect the business. Beliefs also help the business to meet customer needs.
- Social Trends: Nowadays people have become health conscious and therefore there is a sale of various types of goods like organic food, sugar-free products, etc.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
_______ means linking national economy to the world economy.
State whether the following statement is True or False.
There is no benefit of privatization to Indian economy.
State whether the following statement is True or False.
New economic policy promoted the liberal economic policy.
Compete the sentence.
Indian political system comprises ___________ vital institutions.
Select the correct Option
Who frames the economic policy of the business?
Select the correct Option.
Which economic system is known as the free market economy?
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence.
Privatization helps for global village.
Answer in one sentence:
What are the powers of legislature?
Answer in one sentence:
Which factor influence the economic condition of the Nation?
Explain the following term/concept.
Distinguish between the following.
Social Environment and Economic Environment.
Distinguish between the following.
Liberalization and Privatisation.
Distinguish between the following.
Globalization and Liberalization.
Distinguish between the following.
Privatization and Globalization.
Answer in brief.
State any four features of globalization.
Answer in brief.
State any four reasons of the need for privatisation.
Answer the following.
Explain the new economic policy in details.