The word 'Review' is different from summarizing and appeal writing. Choose the correct statements of the following.
A film review is an expression of your personal views towards a particular film, documentary, or movie.
A film review gives you an opportunity to express opinions about the movie, including its characters, plot, and background.
A film review gives appealing sentences that make your reader curious or anxious about the film.
A review means an explanation of each and every event of the film.
A film review is an expression of your personal views towards a particular film, documentary, or movie.
Who was Selden? Why was he on the moor?
Helen's struggle has become a source of inspiration for all less fortunate. Comment.
How is the father’s helplessness brought out in the poem?
Notice these expression in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.
You will probably agree that this story does not have breathless adventure and exciting action. Then what in your opinion makes it interesting?
What do you infer from Darwin's comment on his indifference to literature as he advanced in years?
What do you understand of the three voices in response to the question 'What does a novel do' ?
Identify the words that help you understand the nature of the poet's father.
What were the concepts that Kumudini Lakhia represent through Duvidha, Atah Kim and panch Paras?
Read the extract 'Being Neighborly' and complete the following statement:
To Jo, the fine house seemed like ______.
Read the extract and state whether the following statement is true or false. Correct the false statement.
The author is an example of ‘reverse migration’.
Study the pictures below and note down the differences.
Find proof from the poem for the following.
The poet’s minute observations of the steady growth of the cherry tree.
In our country engineering, teaching, and medical fields are much sought after. Other professions, occupations though they make a significant contribution to society, do not get their due.
(a) | Farmer | highly unpredictable economic gains |
(b) | Conservancy workers | ________________ |
(c) | ________________ | ________________ |
(d) | ________________ | ________________ |
(e) | ________________ | ________________ |
Read the poem below and fill in the gaps, choosing appropriate pairs of rhyming words, to make them meaningful.
Little things Little drops of water, Thus the little minutes, Little deeds of kindness, |
(love - above / sand - land / be - eternity)
The poem is a Petrarchan Sonnet. The poem is divided into two parts -
- An Octave
The first part comprising eight lines. - A sestet
The second part comprising six lines.
Read the first four lines of the poem. The rhyme scheme is a b b a. Read the rhyme scheme for the next four lines. It is a b b a. Now read the first three lines of the sestet and note the rhyme scheme. It is c d c. The rhyme scheme of the last three lines is d c d. This is the common design of a Petrarchan Sonnet.
This is a Petrarchan Sonnet. Complete the given table by giving examples from the poem.
Features | Examples / Lines |
Objects used | |
Praise/blames | |
Metaphor | |
Simile | |
Personification | |
Number of lines | |
Rhyme scheme |
Think and answer in your own words.
Which line proves that in our busy lives we do not even have a fraction of a second to enjoy nature’s beauty?
Go through the poem and state whether the following statement is true or false.
Planners make tactful changes so that citizens do not recognize familiar landmarks.
Who gives medicine/treatment to sick animals and birds?
The soldier-bees carry home ______.
Read and prepare a small presentation in about 100 to 150 words on the ideas of any two philosophers given below.
- Sant Dnyaneshwar
- Gautam Buddha
- Aurobindo Ghosh
- Kahlil Gibran
- Socrates.
State the difference between drama and novel.
Are there any stories/legends about the moon or special names for the moon in your language? Talk to your friends and family members and collect this information.
Do you know any poem or song about the moon in your own language? Sing it in the class.
Discuss and write 1-2 lines about the following.
How Bushi defeated Yonamine in the wrestling match.
Divide the story into different sections to show the different events and time periods in it. Give a suitable title to each section.
Visit a library:
Find stories about hosts and guests. Share them with the class. Classify the stories into funny and serious stories.
How long a period did Shalihotra allow to find the missing things?
Who erected the first known veterinary hospitals in the world?
Visit a library:
Read stories about Gautama Buddha. Relate one story in the class.
Write one line about the following with the help of the poem.
wind in the autumn evening
Think and answer:
Why are the sights said to ‘fly’?
The Emperor says he had realised earlier that Abdul has great talent. Does this tally with his actions? Give your opinion.
Answer the following question and write in short, why the parody sounds funny.
What does the bee stand for?
Fill in the blank choosing the appropriate word/idiom from the lesson.
The ______ solved the mysterious crime.
Think of other funny names for imaginary creatures. Write any 3 of them.
Enact the play.
- Form groups of 5–8. Then make pairs of groups. Decide which group will be hosts and which will be guests. Arrange mock parties in the classroom so that the roles of hosts and guests can actually be played out.
- Later on, hold groupwise discussions on how your party went. Make lists of the tips you followed and those you forgot to follow.
Do you long to be something else? Write about your longing.
How did Helen Keller help other blind people?
What prompted the young seagull to fly finally?
Read the following incident carefully to answer the question that follow.
The tie that does not bind
“Oh, so you’re going abroad? Can you bring me back…..?” I’ve been asked to bring back a vaccine for a course. Once I searched the suburbs of Paris for two days for a special brand of ceramic paint. Having spent a lot of money for Cartier lighter refills, I had them confiscated at the airport just before boarding because the gas might be dangerous in the air.
Now, two months before a trip, I stop talking to people so they won’t suspect I’m about to travel. But someone always catches me.” I’ve heard you’re going to New York, and I want you to get something for me. It’s just a little thing you can find anywhere. I don’t know exactly how much it costs, but it shouldn’t be much. We’ll settle up when you get back”.
What Gilson asked me to buy was, in fact, a little thing: a tie. But not just any tie. He wanted a tie with a small embroidered G. Any colour would do, as long as it had his initials. Look, this is a special flight, I explained. We are only staying Saturday through Tuesday. On the day we arrived I didn’t have time to think about the tie, but strolling around on Sunday I did see ties bearing various letters in more than one shop window. They were cheap, just a dollar, but all the shops were closed.
On Monday, lunch lasted the whole afternoon. Then it was Tuesday morning, time to leave. It was only when I saw our airport bus waiting outside the hotel that I remembered the tie.
I told the group to go on. I would get a taxi to the airport. And so I went in search of a nearby shop where I had seen ties.
But I couldn’t find it. I walked further down the street-one, two, three blocks - all in vain. Back at the hotel, a bit anxious now, I took my suitcase, got a taxi and asked the driver to rush to the street where I had seen them.
The driver stopped at each shop we passed so I could look from the window. The stores had all sorts of ties, but not the kind I was looking for.
When I finally thought I had located the right shop, I decided to go in and check. The driver refused to wait. Parking was prohibited, he said. I promised to double the fare, jumped out and ran into the shop. Was I going to miss the plane just for a damned tie?
The salesman was unbearably slow. When I realized that the smallest change I had was a ten dollar note , I grabbed ten ties of different colours so I wouldn’t have to wait for change. I rushed out with the ties in a paper bag.
On the street I looked around. The taxi had vanished, taking my suitcase. What is more, I was going to miss the plane.
I ran to the corner, and hope flared up again: the taxi was waiting in the next street. Quick to the airport! As I settled down inside the taxi. I sighed with relief. Gilson was going to have enough initialized ties to last him a lifetime.
When I reached the airport, I paid the taxi driver the double fare and grabbed my suitcase. Panting, I boarded the plane under the reproachful gaze of the other passengers, all primly seated with their seat belts fastened. Ready to take off. Departure had been delayed because of me.
“At least I hope you found your tie”, said one who knew the story.
“I did”, I answered triumphantly.
After making myself comfortable, I reached for the paper bag to show the ties.
I had left it behind; in the taxi.
Fernando Sabino.
Read the incident again and answer the following question.
What was the writer always asked to do whenever he planned to go abroad?
What was the e-mail message sent to Somu by Dr.Krishnan?
Write the name of the toy against the picture.
What kind of a life do you want to lead in this world?
How can we make our life worth living?
Why was the elephant owner happy with the deal?
Try your own.
Why do the soldiers (people) die? When will it stop?
Read scene I of the play carefully and answer the question below.
Match the following.
a. | Father Wolf | with a grey nose…feeds her four cubs |
b. | Tabaqui | the big one from Waingunga River with a lame foot |
c. | Mother Wolf | the chief of the Wolves |
d. | Shere Khan | begs for meat and thanks for the meal/warns the wolves about the arrival of Shere Khan |
What will you do if someone ensnares birds?
Why did everyone ridicule the boy?
Divide the following word.
Match the rhyming words.
1. share | dare |
2. bread | rest |
3. care | needs |
4. deeds | ahead |
5. zest | bear |
_____ fights with everyone in school.
The king shouted at Ani.
Nithin's mom said that Bala's father is a ______ magician.
Write the correct word.
rooster, king, hen, tiger, queen, tigress. |
Draw the garden of your dreams.
Why did the animals think that the jackal was a king?