Two conductors are made of the same material and have the same length. Conductor A is a solid wire of diameter 1 mm. Conductor B is a hollow tube of outer diameter 2 mm and inner diameter 1 mm. Find the ratio of resistance RA to RB.
We know that the resistance of wire is `R = ρ l/A` where A is cross-sectional area of conductor and ρ is the specific resistance or resistivity and L is the length of conductor.
The resistance of first conductor
`R_A = (ρl)/(pi(10^-3 xx 0.5)^2`
The resistance of second conductor,
`R_B = (ρl)/(pi[(10^-3)^2 - (0.5 xx 10^-3)^2]`
Now, the ratio of two resistors is given by
`R_A/R_B = ((10^-3)^2 - (0.5 xx 10^-3)^2)/(0.5 xx 10^-3)^2` = 3:1
Will current flow more easily through a thick wire or a thin wire of the same material, when connected to the same source? Why?
Let the resistance of an electrical component remains constant while the potential difference across the two ends of the component decreases to half of its former value. What change will occur in the current through it?
Name the unit of electrical resistance and give its symbol.
The unit of electrical resistance is:
(a) ampere
(b) volt
(c) coulomb
(d) ohm
State Ohm’s law and draw a neat labelled circuit diagram containing a battery, a key, a voltmeter, an ammeter, a rheostat and an unknown resistance to verify it.
Calculate the effective resistance across AB?
Answer the following question.
Distinguish between Ohmic and non-ohmic substances; explain with the help of example.
State microscopic form of Ohm’s law.
State macroscopic form of Ohm’s law.
The circuit depicted in the figure is employed for studying Ohm's Law. Instead of using a standard resistor, a student opts for a glass tube filled with mercury (tube 1), connected to the circuit through two electrodes E1 & E2. He records the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter, thereby calculating the resistance. The student repeats the experiment by substituting tube 1 with tube 2, where the same amount of mercury fills the tube 2.
Neglecting internal resistance of the cell use (> or < or =) to compare
- the resistance in both the cases.
- the voltmeter readings in both the cases.
- the specific resistance in both the cases.