Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationSSLC (English Medium) Class 7

What do you need to learn to live a good life in this world? - English



What do you need to learn to live a good life in this world?

One Line Answer


The power of humility is needed to leam to live a good life in this world.

Reading Skills
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Chapter 3.1: A Prayer to the Teacher - Reading [Page 145]


Samacheer Kalvi English - Term 1 Class 7 TN Board
Chapter 3.1 A Prayer to the Teacher
Reading | Q III. 6. | Page 145


The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. What did this laugh indicate?

Guess the meaning of the following word:
In which language are these word found? 

State the central issue in the poem.

Read the following statement and mark those that apply to you.

I wish to be friends with someone but my friendship is rejected.

Fill in the blank.

Baban’s father and some elders mentioned the name of __________.

Using a dictionary/internet note down the main difference between a remote-sensing satellite and a natural satellite.

Think of a play/skit which you have seen enacted on the stage and which has impressed you. Write the following details about it.

Name of the play/skit: ______________
Important characters: ______________
Any famous actors/actresses: ______________
Theme: ______________
Climax: ______________
Ending: ______________
Use of lights and special effects if any: ______________
Use of background music and sound effects if any: ______________
Use of sets: ______________
The costumes, make up, etc. of the characters: ______________
How well the actors present the play and behave on the stage: ______________
Your own opinion about the play: ______________

Discuss with your partner and complete the table.

S.No. Question Who asked this? Who answered? What was the answer?


Shall we run back together?      
2. Can you see something behind the wall?      
3. Who said good bye?      
4 Was it just the wind?      

Write the rhyming word.

culture - ______.

The king looked for a______.



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