What is the action of the following reagent on toluene?
Alkaline KMnO4, dil. HCl and heat
Answer the following in one sentence.
Name the product obtained by the oxidation of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene with acidified potassium permanganate.
Answer the following in one sentence.
Acetic acid is prepared from methyl magnesium bromide and dry ice in presence of dry ether. Name the compound which serves not only as reagent but also as a cooling agent in the reaction.
Answer in brief.
Write reaction showing the action of the following reagent on propanenitrile:
Dilute NaOH
Write reaction showing conversion of p-bromoisopropylbenzene into p-isopropylbenzoic acid (3 steps).
What is the action of Grignard reagent on benzonitrile?
In which one of the following conversions, phosphorus pentachloride is used as a reagent?
Identify X in the following reaction:
Identify the functional group in the product formed.
\ce{C2H5 - N - H + CH3 - C - Cl ->[Pyridine][-HCl]}\\
Hydrides of transition metals are used as powerful ____________ agents.
When a solution of Grignard reagent is added to ____________ a magnesium salt of carboxylic acid is obtained which on acidification gives carboxylic acid.
Soaps are the sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids, containing number of carbon atoms more than ______.
The carbonyl compound required for the preparation of cyclohexylmethanol in presence of suitable Grignard reagent is ____________.
Which is NOT present in Grignard reagent?
\[\ce{Dry ice + A -> 2-Methylbutanoic acid}\]. In this reaction 'A' is:
Identify the product C in following reaction.
\[\ce{CH3CH2COOH ->[NaOH] A ->[NaOH][CaO*\Delta] B ->[HNO3][\Delta] C}\]
Which of the following compounds on heating with potassium permanganate and dilute sulphuric acid forms adipic acid?
Identify product B in the following reaction.
\[\ce{C6H5MgBr ->[dry ice][dry ether] A ->[HOH][dil. HCl] B}\]
Write preparation of acetic acid from:
acetyl chloride
Write preparation of acetic acid from:
dry ice
In the above reaction product 'P' is:
Both acetaldehyde and acetone will react with X reagent. Identify the reagent X.
The final product in the following sequence of reaction is
Identify product B in the following reaction.
\[\ce{Cumene ->[KMnO4, KOH][\Delta] A ->[H3O+] B}\]