What is the purpose of a switch in a circuit?
A switch is an on-off device for current in a circuit (or in an appliance).
Name the wire in a household electrical circuit to which the switch is connected
It is dangerous to connect the switch in the neutral wire. Explain your answer.
What are ‘dual switches’? Mention their one main use.
What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.
In which position is the key placed in a circuit?
Name the component of a circuit which help us to start or stop the appliances & safely and easily.
Name the component which connects electrical components to one another.
You are provided with a bulb, a cell, a switch and some connecting wires. Draw a diagram to show the connections between them to make the bulb glow.
What precaution do you take while handling a switch?
Name the wire to which a switch is connected.