
Why according to Maya Angelou, does the caged bird sing? - English 2 (Literature in English)



Why according to Maya Angelou, does the caged bird sing?


  • To pass his time

  • Because he is hungry for 'fat worms'

  • To voice his protest

  • To communicate with the free bird



To voice his protest

Writing Skills
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2022-2023 (March) Official


Transform the following sentence as per the given instruction.

How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of flesh!
(Begin: It was cruel………………….) 

Do you agree with the poet that a nation’s growth depends upon the wealth of trees? Why/why not?

Explain the following:
They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude;

Take help from the sources available on the internet and make a list of proverbs and quotations about ‘road’.

Answer the following question:

“It was to be a battle of champions.” (8)
(i) What qualities did the two champions have? Pick out words and phrases from the paragraph above this line in the text and write them down.


(a) ________ (a) ________
(b) ________ (b) ________
(c) ________ (c) ________

(ii) What did the cobra and the mongoose do, to show their readiness for the fight?

The setting of the act is the office of the newspaper 'The Herald'. Explain how it is the proper background for the theme of the play.

Complete the Interview with an imaginary Captain of the Ladies Cricket Team of your Town/City/State.


Interviewer J Prasad (J. P.)
Captain Vijetha Bhide (V. B.)
J. P. the presence of the Captain of our State Women’s Cricket Team, which won the final of the Inter State series in Mumbai, last week. Hello Vijetha, welcome to our show.
V. B. Thank you for inviting me.

(Now continue the interview adding about 4 to 5 Questions/Answers and conclude it with a farewell message.)

Your friend has presented a beautiful art piece on your birthday. Write a letter to her appreciating her art work.

Reference to context.

Draw pictures of the speakers of the above lines.

Write a composition in approximately 350 – 400 words on the following subject:

(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.)

Online education during the pandemic has been a blessing in disguise.
Give your views on the above statement.



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