
Why is the quality of pity earth-bound while the other two passions are elevating? - English Elective - NCERT



Why is the quality of pity earth-bound while the other two passions are elevating?

Short Note


Bertrand Russell had three passions governing his life all through. The first two being love and knowledge, which elevated him and took him higher to the heavens that great poets and saints have imagined. However, he said that the third one, i.e., pity, brought him back to the Earth, the reality. The pain in the echoing cries reverberated in his heart. All the sorrow in the wide world forced him to return to the Earth; the children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people that become a hated burden to their children. Russell was moved by the loneliness and poverty and pain that mocked human life. He imagined the ideal life of a human without any suffering and sorrow. So, he longed to alleviate the evil, however, he too suffered. He yet respected the human life and found it worth living and fought throughout his life against all evils. Bertrand fought against the Vietnam war and supported suffragists. Throughout his life he fought in favour of mankind to make this world a better place to live.

Reading Skills
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Chapter 3.2: My Three Passions - Understanding the text [Page 151]


NCERT English (Elective) - Woven Words
Chapter 3.2 My Three Passions
Understanding the text | Q 5 | Page 151


Write a character sketch of Mr. Barrymore in about 125 words

Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each :                

(a) Why was Franz not scolded for reaching the school late that day?

(b) Sophie was dreaming of so many things in her life. What were they?

(c) Why are the youngsters described as springing? (My Mother at Sixty-six)

(d) In the hot season, how do man and beast get comfort? (A Thing of Beauty)

(e) How did the Maharaja deal with a high ranking British officer who wanted to shoot a tiger?

(f) Having got rid of his stink, what problem did Roger Skunk face?

Answer the following question in 150-200 words:  
How did Miss Sullivan help Helen Keller when she was studying at Cambridge School?

Read the play out in parts. Enact the play on a suitable occasion.

Make a list of the preparations made for an assault on Tiger Hill.

Throughout the last week of June 1999, 18 Grenadiers ____________.

Make a list of words related to agriculture.

Correct the following statement.

Sue and Johnsy were good neighbours.

Discuss in your class.

How can we take help of robots in our daily life? 

Join the sentence using appropriate Co-ordinators. (but, or, so, and)

He places his fingers into the master controls. He operates all four arms of the Da Vinci.

Fill in the gap, choosing a word from the bracket to make an appropriate comparison.

(tall / quiet / humble / merry / busy / slippery / fast / sly / slow / big)

as ______ as a giraffe

Suggest what you would do in the following situation:

Your very close friend has been using a fake social media account to play pranks on others and is not ready to stop in spite of several attempts by you.

Are there any stories/legends about the moon or special names for the moon in your language? Talk to your friends and family members and collect this information.

Read the given extract (Act III)

Match column A with column B.

Sr.No. A B
1. Dr. Thomas Stockmann Opportunist
2. Katherine Vulnerable
3. Peter Stockmann Honest and upright
4. Petra Coward
5. Hovstad timid but supportive
6. Billing Cuinng and corrupt
7. Aslaksen Courageous

Have you seen non-commercial advertisements - those that are not ‘selling’ anything but are only giving people useful information?

Write about what you would like to do if ‘Time’ was your friend.

Prepare similar word chains using the following ideas.

size - big _______________.

Listen carefully and guess how the sentence would end.

When the teacher read the answer papers, she was ______.

What do Tamil Nadu folk dances and folk arts represent?

Complete the following table with information from the anecdote about Mr. Scotti’s short trip.

Name Nicholas Scotti
Reason for his trip  
Means of transport  

Tackling the Issues

Ask the class to discuss solutions to an issue that plagues contemporary society at large or just your community—for example, homelessness, violence, environmental degradation, hunger.

Half the class should mention idealistic solutions to the chosen issue; the other half should mention only realistic approaches to solving the problem.

See if, in listening to both sides, someone can come up with a proposal that is both realistic and unconventional—an idea that hasn't been tried yet.

Work in pairs and answer the following.

Pick out the rhyming words.

According to the author the tendril was moving towards grandfather because it______.

The land was wet and green.

Complete the sentence given below with word/phrase.

The rains came and poured______.

Who is the guest?

Divide the following word.


The squirrel ran to the _________ tree.

Choose the word with same meaning.

Kingdom- ______

Choose the correct one.


______ is a great risk to the environment.



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