What is the central argument of the speaker?
A In the essay patterns of creativity, S. Chandrasekhar tries to figure out the reason for the difference in the patterns of creativity among the practitioners in the arts and practitioners in the sciences. He did not answer it, rather, he made an assortment of remarks that bore the answer. He cites examples explaining how poets and scientists view each other defining the difference in their views. There are poets such as Wordsworth and Keats who are worshippers of nature, who believe that humans sabotage nature by the technological advancement. However, there are poets like Shelley, who do poetry on science. It is difficult to segregate the views and put them into water tight compartments. Darwin, for instance enjoyed literature immensely as it gave him utmost joy, but only till the age of 30. W. B. Yeats, in praise of Shelley's A Defence of Poetry, called it the profoundest essay on the foundation of poetry in the English language The author of the essay, Chandrasekhar wonders in the end that why is there no such A Defence of Science written by a scientist of equal endowment. Perhaps the answer to the question he knew already.
Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each :
(a) After initial reluctance why did the lawyers tell Gandhiji that they were ready to follow him into jail?
(b) What is Mukesh's attitude towards the family business of making bangles?
(c) How does the poet show the futility of Aunt Jennifer's efforts?
(d) Stephen Spender in his poem, 'An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum' paints a dismal picture of poverty. Comment.
(e) Jackson went through the contents of Rev. McLeery's suitcase. Which object therein puzzled him sorely? What was his comment on that?
(f) How did the servants react when they realized that Dr. Sadao was going to save the life of an enemy?
Notice these expression in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.
ducking back
Notice these expression in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.
cairn of rocks
What do you think are the reasons for the references made to the English people and the British monarchy?
Narrate 'The Tale of Melon City' in your own words.
The quill is the central element of the poem – what does it symbolise?
'Now I hold Creation in my foot' – explain the centrality of this assertion in the poem. What makes the hawk's assertion of its invincibility so categorical?
Name the world-famous personality who reached great heights despite of humble circumstances.
Correct the following statement.
Sue ignored Johnsy completely.
Write 3 to 4 lines about the following in your own words.
The Robotic Surgery
Comment on the given statement after reading the given dialogue -
I wouldn’t be in your shoes if he rewards me ten times as much. People generally fall victim to incentives. Some people stick to values. They _________________.
Write the following in short:
What the young lawyer pleaded.
An activity:
Speak fast, think faster! Form groups of 4-6. Discuss each of the following topics. Then each person in the group should choose a topic and speak about it for one minute. Try to say as many sentences as you can in that time.
Imagine you are watching a scene. For example, someone learning to ride a bicycle; or a cricket match. Give a running commentary on what you see.
‘Monu is sitting on the bicycle. It has side wheels. Monu tries to push the pedal down - No - he stops. His uncle holds the seat in one hand and the handle in the other hand. He says, ‘Come on, Monu’... etc.
Visit a library:
Read Lewis Carroll’s book ‘Alice in Wonderland.’
Correct the following sentence using facts from the passage.
The great heroes avoided one another.
Answer in your own words.
What did Neel realise from his encounter with his ancestors?
Write the symbol that is used in the poem to represent the following idea.
Some other time.
Which lines are repeated in the poem? What do they mean?
Describe the following in one or two lines.
The nest.
How did Helen overcome her handicaps?
Identify the character or speaker.
I was Duke of Milan, and you were a princess.
Bring out a few differences between the two art forms: Therukoothu and Bommalattam.
Read the following article about the amazing similarities between the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln; then underline the passive forms.
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. Voters elected John F. Kennedy to Congress in 1946.
Lincoln was elected president in 1860. Voters elected Kennedy president in 1960.
Both men were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Lincoln was shot on a Friday. Someone shot Kennedy on a Friday.
Lincoln was shot in the head. The gunman shot Kennedy in the head.
Lincoln’s secretary was called Kennedy. Kennedy’s secretary was called Lincoln.
Lincoln was assassinated by a Southerner. A Southerner assassinated Kennedy.
Lincoln was succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson. A Southerner named Johnson succeeded Kennedy.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names and both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Lincoln was shot at a theatre named “Ford”. The gunman shot Kennedy in a car called a “Lincoln” that the company Ford made.
Booth ran from the theatre and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and the police caught him in a theatre.
Booth was assassinated before his trial. Someone assassinated Oswald before his trial.
Identify the speaker/character.
He felt something moving along his body almost up to his chin.
Write the rhyming word.
Bird - ______.
Circle and write the adverbs.
I'm waiting here. ______
The brown sparrow laid ________eggs.
Where did the tanker man take the water from the village?
Name the animal and sound it makes.
A person who overcomes problems, will get ______ at the end.