Maharashtra State BoardSSC (English Medium) 9th Standard

Write the following rational number in pq form. 0.37 - Algebra



Write the following rational number in `p/q` form.




Let x = 0.37  ...(1)

Multiplying both sides by 100, we get

100x = 37.37  ...(2)

Subtracting (1) from (2), we get

∴ `100x - x = 37.bar37 - 0.bar37`

∴ 99x = 37 

`therefore x = 37/99`

So, 0.37 = `37/99`

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Chapter 2: Real Numbers - Practice Set 2.1 [Page 21]


Balbharati Algebra (Mathematics 1) [English] 9 Standard Maharashtra State Board
Chapter 2 Real Numbers
Practice Set 2.1 | Q 3. (ii) | Page 21


Add the following rational numbers:

\[\frac{- 5}{16} and \frac{7}{24}\]

Re-arrange suitably and find the sum in each of the following:

\[\frac{2}{3} + \frac{- 4}{5} + \frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{5}\]

Fill in the branks:

\[\frac{- 7}{9} + . . . = 3\]

Fill in the blanks:
The product of a positive rational number and a negative rational number is always .....

The cost of \[2\frac{1}{3}\] metres of cloth is Rs. \[75\frac{1}{4} .\]Find the cost of cloth per metre.

State, True Or False


Mark the following pairs of rational numbers on the separate number lines:  `2/5` and `(- 3)/5`

Insert a rational number between:

`(2)/(5) and (3)/(4)`

The average life expectancies of males for several states are shown in the table. Express each decimal in the form `p/q` and arrange the states from the least to the greatest male life expectancy. State-wise data are included below; more indicators can be found in the “FACTFILE” section on the homepage for each state.

State Male `bb(p/q)` form Lowest terms
Andhra Pradesh 61.6    
Assam 57.1    
Bihar 60.7    
Gujarat 61.9    
Haryana 64.1    
Himachal Pradesh 65.1    
Karnataka 62.4    
Kerala 70.6    
Madhya Pradesh 56.5    
Maharashtra 64.5    
Orissa 57.6    
Punjab 66.9    
Rajasthan 59.8    
Tamil Nadu 63.7    
Uttar Pradesh 58.9    
West Bengal 62.8    
India 60.8    

Source: Registrar General of India (2003) SRS Based Abridged Lefe Tables. SRS Analytical Studies, Report No. 3 of 2003, New Delhi: Registrar General of India. The data are for the 1995-99 period; states subsequently divided are therefore included in their pre-partition states (Chhatisgarh in MP, Uttaranchal in UP and Jharkhand in Bihar)

Express `3/4` as a rational number with denominator:




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