2: Weathering and Mass Wasting
3: Agents of Erosion
4: Climatic Regions
5: Global Climate Change
6: Ocean Resources
▶ 7: Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance
8: Biomes
9: Disaster Management
![Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard chapter 7 - Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard chapter 7 - Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance -](/images/geography-social-science-english-11-standard_6:acdc1b8f00d74d0085a22ac1e29ad6d2.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 7: Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 7 of Maharashtra State Board Balbharati for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard.
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Make friends with maps! [Page 75]
Look at the figure and answer the following questions:
- What does this map show?
- Which continents and sub-continents are visible on this map?
- What lies between the continents?
- Chagos Plateau, Sunda Trench, Central Mountain range are a part of what?
- What are the conclusions you can draw after looking at the map?
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Find Out! [Page 77]
Why Ninety East ridge name has been given to this north-south extending range in the eastern Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal)?
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Try This. [Page 78]
Given below are the names of some ocean basins in the Indian Ocean. Identify these in figure Write a note on their locations, their separators, and the rivers entering into them. Rank these according to their size on the basis of your perception.
- Oman basin
- Arabian basin
- Somali basin
- Mauritius basin
- Mascarene basin
- Agulhas-Natal basin
- West Australian basin
- MidIndian basin
- Ganga basin
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Can you do it? [Pages 78 - 79]
Study maps given in the figure carefully. These maps are showing the portion of the Indian Ocean lying north of the equator. Maps in the figure depict the temperature conditions in three seasons:
- pre-SW monsoon,
- NE monsoon
- during SW monsoon.
Answer the following questions.
- Why are isotherms not drawn on the continental part?
- Why is the temperature in the Arabian Sea lower than in the Bay of Bengal?
- Why is the temperature higher in the southern portion of the Indian Ocean during pre SW monsoon?
Given below are the maps depicting the salinity distribution of the northern Indian Ocean. Study the maps.
- NE monsoon,
- pre-SW monsoon
- SW monsoon
given in figure carefully and answer the following questions.
- Why does the Arabian Sea record higher salinity than the Bay of Bengal?
- What is the minimum salinity in the Bay of Bengal? In which seasons do we find it?
- Account for the high salinity in the Arabian Sea throughout the year?
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Do you know? [Page 80]
See the maps in Figures A and B. They show the pattern of ocean currents in the Indian Ocean during different seasons.
Study the maps carefully and answer the following questions.
- Identify the season each map is representing and name them accordingly.
- What difference do you notice in the direction of currents between winter and summer in the Northern part of the Indian Ocean?
- How many cold currents are there in the Indian Ocean? Name them.
- Why do you think the cold currents are fewer in the Indian Ocean.
- Which currents maintain the direction in both the season?
- Can you see any circulation in the currents of the Indian Ocean? What are such circulations called? If yes name the currents sequentially.
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Can you tell ? [Page 81]
- Name the Gulf countries
- In which direction do they lie in the Asian content.
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Exercise [Page 83]
Complete the chain:
A | B | C |
1) Pacific Ocean | 1) Christmas | 1) Bab-al-Mandeb |
2) Chagos | 2) Atlantic Ocean | 2) Lakshadweep |
3) Ashmore | 3) Maldives | 3) Indian Ocean |
4) Hormuz | 4) Malacca | 4) Cocos |
Give a geographical reason:
Salinity is less in the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean.
Give a geographical reason:
The eastern coastal part of the Indian Ocean is seismically active.
Give a geographical reason:
Gyre develops in the Southern Indian Ocean.
Give a geographical reason:
Temperatures are high in the pre-monsoon season in the equatorial region in the northern Indian ocean.
Write a short note on:
The width of the continental shelf in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.
Write a short note on:
Mineral resources in the Indian ocean
Write a short note on:
Ocean currents in the Indian ocean
Write a short note on:
Oil and natural gas in the Indian ocean
Answer in detail:
Outline the importance of the Indian ocean with respect to trade and transport routes.
Answer in detail:
Evaluate the strategic location of India with respect to its location in the Indian Ocean.
Explain the Indian ocean with respect to the following aspects :
Ocean Trenches
Explain the Indian ocean with respect to the following aspects :
Abyssal Plains
Explain the Indian ocean with respect to the following aspects :
Explain the Indian ocean with respect to the following aspects :
Ocean Currents
On an outline map of the world, locate the following, and make an index:
- Sunda Trench
- Diego Garcia
- SW Monsoon
- Agulhas Current
- West Australian Current
- Ninety East ridge
- Strait of Holmuz
- Chabahar port
Solutions for 7: Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance
![Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard chapter 7 - Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard chapter 7 - Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance -](/images/geography-social-science-english-11-standard_6:acdc1b8f00d74d0085a22ac1e29ad6d2.jpg)
Balbharati solutions for Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard chapter 7 - Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance has the Maharashtra State Board Mathematics Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Balbharati solutions for Mathematics Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 7 (Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Balbharati textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard chapter 7 Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance are Indian Ocean Region, Bottom Relief of Indian Ocean, Continental Shelf, Mid-oceanic Ridges, Islands of Indian Ocean, Ocean Basins, Deeps and Trenches, Distribution of Temperature and Salinity in Indian Oceans, Indian Ocean Salinity, Ocean Currents in Indian Ocean, Importance of the Indian Ocean, The Importance of Indian Ocean for India.
Using Balbharati Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard solutions Indian Ocean - Relief and Strategic Importance exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Balbharati Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Maharashtra State Board Geography (Social Science) [English] 11 Standard students prefer Balbharati Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
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