25: The Man in the Moon
26: Water in the Well
27: The Legend of Marathon
28: All about Money
29: A Lark
30: Be a Netizen
31: Give your Mind a Workout!
32: Helen Keller
33: Rangoli
२२: वाचूया. लिहूया.
२३: प्रामाणिक इस्त्रीवाला
२४: ऐका. पाहा. करा.
२५: मालतीची चतुराई
२६: पतंग (कविता)
२७: महर्षी विठ्ठल रामजी शिंदे
२८: फुलपाखरू आणि मधमाशी
13: Three Dimensional Objects and Nets
14: Pictographs
15: Patterns
16: Preparation for Algebra
Environmental Studies Part 1
19: Constituents of Food
20: Our Emotional World
21: Busy at Work - our Internal Organs
22: Growth and Personality Development
23: Infectious Diseases and how to Prevent them
24: Substances, Objects and Energy
25: Community Health and Hygiene
Environmental Studies Part 2
8: Beginning of Settled Life
9: Settled Life and Urban Civilization
10: Historic Period
5: Exercises
▶ 2: Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work
2: Optional Activities : (B) Other Areas
2: Optional Activities : (C) Area: Technology
Chapter 6: Drama
![Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 - Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 - Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work -](/images/integrated-5-standard-part-4-english-medium-maharashtra-state-board_6:542f821d0d4b46af9efac308f0f9906f.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 2: Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 2 of Maharashtra State Board Balbharati for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Kitchen Gardening [Page 125]
My Activity
Write what tool you would use for the following purposes.
- To carry manure for plants: ______________________________.
- To water potted plants: ______________________________.
- To prepare a bed: ______________________________.
- To spray a pesticide on vegetables: ______________________________.
- For weeding: ______________________________.
Explain the precautions to be taken while using the tools well in advance. Give guidance where necessary.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Simple Farming [Page 126]
Write the answers to the following questions.
Name the main types of crops.
Of which type is each of the following crops?
green gram
What is called the specific time for sowing?
Visit an oil mill to observe how oil is pressed out of oil seeds and write a description of the process.
Help the children to collect specimens of some crops.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Fruit Processing [Page 127]
Write the names and uses of some of the unfamiliar fruits.
If possible, show children these exotic fruits and give some information about them.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Pisciculture [Page 128]
If possible, watch in person how net fishing is, carried out.
Explain the precautions that need to be taken while fishing.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Food Production [Pages 129 - 130]
All the implements are manually operated. However, nowadays electrical appliances are used in food production. Make a list of these appliances and make a chart like the one above, showing their names and uses. Collect and stick their pictures in a scrapbook.
My Activity
Write down the process of sprouting the pluses for making bhel.
Explain the advantages of eating sprouted pulses.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Producing Cloth [Page 131]
Obtain information about charkhas by visiting a charkha museum or exhibition. Obtain more detailed information about one of the charkhas.
Give information about weaving equipment using a charkha or pictures/videos of a charkha.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Basic Tailoring [Page 133]
Observe an old dress which has hooks. Replace a missing hook with the method described in the textbook.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Doll Making [Page 134]
Make a doll using a coconut shell.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Coir Work [Page 135]
Make a list of the coir articles available in your house.
Urge the children to recall the coir articles they have seen, to name them, and to make a classified list of those articles. Help them if necessary to do the classification.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Clay Modelling [Page 136]
Make a clay model of a tortoise.
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Bamboo and Cane Work [Page 137]
Visit a bamboo plantation. Observe how the work is carried out there and write a description of it. Study how bamboo is grown in your surroundings.
Arrange a visit to a bamboo farm and give students an opportunity for observation.
Sow the seeds and grow the seedlings. Observe the pot every day and write how it grows.
Solutions for 2: Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work
![Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 - Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 - Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work -](/images/integrated-5-standard-part-4-english-medium-maharashtra-state-board_6:542f821d0d4b46af9efac308f0f9906f.jpg)
Balbharati solutions for Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 - Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work has the Maharashtra State Board Mathematics Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Balbharati solutions for Mathematics Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board 2 (Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Balbharati textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work are Kitchen Gardening, Simple Farming, Fruit Processing, Pisciculture, Food Production, Producing Cloth, Basic Tailoring, Doll Making, Coir Work, Clay Modelling, Bamboo and Cane Work, Cultivating Flowering and other Ornamental Plants.
Using Balbharati Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board solutions Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Balbharati Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Maharashtra State Board Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board students prefer Balbharati Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
Get the free view of Chapter 2, Optional Activities : (A) Productive Fields of Work Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board additional questions for Mathematics Integrated 5 Standard Part 4 [English Medium] Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board, and you can use to keep it handy for your exam preparation.