Solutions for Chapter 3: Small Scale Industry and Business
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Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 3 Small Scale Industry and Business EXERCISE [Pages 55 - 58]
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
The problem of __________ has been becoming more serious in India.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
India is __________ abundant country.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
_______ cost of power acquisition, frequent power cuts, irregular supply of power affect the productivity of SSI.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Before setting up a business, it is essential to study the prevailing _________ environment.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Small Scale Business are _____ intensive.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Occurring obscured idea in mind of entrepreneur is _______ stage of establishing business.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Small scale industries contribute nearly _______ to the industrial exports of the country.
Match the pairs.
Group ‘A’ | Group ‘B' |
A) Micro-Manufacturing sector | 1) Handloom |
B) Traditional Small Scale business | 2) Unskilled |
C) Registration | 3) Does not exceed ₹ 25 lakhs |
D) Labour | 4) 40% of exports of India |
E) Bicycle | 5) Does not exceeds ₹ 1 lakhs |
6) DIC | |
7) Marketing Problem | |
8) Modern Small Scale business | |
9) Project Appraisal | |
10) Cost-efficiency |
Give one word/phrase/term.
A sector which is back bone of rural India.
Give one word/phrase/term for the following sentence.
An industry using power with less than 50 employees.
State True or False:
Small Scale industries should be developed in order to maintain, economic balance in a country
State True or False:
Majority Small Scale industry uses advanced technology.
State True or False:
Small Business easily get access to low interest rates.
State True or False:
Small Business can not survive in the competition.
Find the odd one.
Spare Parts
Find the odd one.
Bicycle Parts
Electronic Appliances
Sewing machine
Complete the sentence.
____________ Industries plays an important role in developing countries.
Complete the sentence.
SSI is _________ largest industry which creates huge employment opportunities.
Complete the sentence.
SSI enjoys the advantage of ___________ cost of the produce.
Complete the sentence.
SSI are ________ intensive.
Complete the sentence.
SSI requires __________ capital as compared to large scale industries.
Complete the sentence.
SSI produce consumer goods as well as ______ components.
Select the correct option.
A | B |
More than ₹ 25 lakhs but Does not exceed ₹ 5 cores | ______________ |
Small manufacturing Sector
Micro manufacturing Sector
Micro Service Sector
Medium Manufacturing Sector
Small Service Sector
Select the correct option.
A | B |
_____________ | Does not exceed ₹ 25 lakhs |
Small manufacturing Sector
Micro manufacturing Sector
Micro Service Sector
Medium Manufacturing Sector
Small Service Sector
Select the correct option.
A | B |
More than ₹ 5 crores but does not exceed ₹ 10 crores | ____________ |
Small manufacturing Sector
Micro manufacturing Sector
Micro Service Sector
Medium Manufacturing Sector
Small Service Sector
Select the correct option.
A | B |
___________ | Does not exceed ₹ 10 lakhs |
Small manufacturing Sector
Micro manufacturing Sector
Micro Service Sector
Medium Manufacturing Sector
Small Service Sector
Select the correct option.
A | B |
More than ₹ 10 lakhs but does not exceed does not exceed ₹ 2 crores | __________ |
Small manufacturing Sector
Micro manufacturing Sector
Micro Service Sector
Medium Manufacturing Sector
Small Service Sector
Answer in one sentence.
What is SSI?
Answer in one sentence.
State the example of Traditional Small Scale Industry.
Answer in one sentence.
Give examples of Modern Small Scale Industry.
Correct the underined word and rewrite the following sentence.
The problem of employment has been becoming more serious in India.
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence.
India is material abundant country.
Correct the underined word and rewrite the following sentence.
Small scale Industry uses advanced technology.
Correct the underined word and rewrite the following sentence.
SSI begins with large amount of capital.
Correct the underined word and rewrite the following sentence.
A business proposal is the first step in setting up a small scale business.
Arrange in proper order.
a) Selection of a place
b) Selection of a product
c) Business proposal
d) Selection of technology
Explain the following term/concept.
Small Scale Industry
Explain the following term/concept.
Service Sector
Explain the following term/concept.
Micro Small Scale Business
Explain the following term/concept.
Traditional Industrial Sector
Explain the following term/concept.
Modern Industrial Sector
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Mr. Ram wants to start a Small Scale business of manufacturing parts of bicycles or machinery.
- Identify the first step or stage of setting up his Small Scale business.
- State the different ways of raising the capital for his business.
- 'Marketing is a necessary step of running a business,’ comment on it.
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Mr. Rahim is keenly interested in starting the Small Scale business. But he is worried about the challenges before Small Scale business. Guide him about the solutions to face these challenges.
Answer in brief.
State any four points of importance of Small Scale Industry/Business.
Answer in brief.
Write any four advantages of the Small Scale Industry.
Answer in brief.
State any four challenges before Small Scale Industries.
Justify the following statement.
Generally, Small Scale Industries are sick.
Justify the following statement.
Small Scale Industry requires less amount of capital.
Justify the following statement.
Small Scale Industries have problems.
Attempt the following.
Explain the meaning of Small Scale industries.
Attempt the following.
State the importance of small business.
Attempt the following.
Explain in brief the impact of capital on Small Scale industries.
Attempt the following.
State the problem faced by Small Scale industries.
Attempt the following.
Explain the role of Small Scale industries in employment generation.
Attempt the following.
Explain the challenges before small business.
Attempt the following.
Write down the benefits of small business.
Explain the process of establishment of Small Scale industries.
Attempt the following.
Explain the importance of small business.
Attempt the following.
It is clear that the absence of capital and the raw material is the main reason for the short term sickness. Explain it.
Solutions for 3: Small Scale Industry and Business
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 3 - Small Scale Industry and Business has the Maharashtra State Board Mathematics Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Balbharati solutions for Mathematics Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board 3 (Small Scale Industry and Business) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Balbharati textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 3 Small Scale Industry and Business are Introduction of Small Scale Industry and Business, Importance of Small Scale Industries, Advantages of Small Scale Industries, Challenges of Small Scale Industries, Steps in Setting up of a Small Scale Business.
Using Balbharati Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board solutions Small Scale Industry and Business exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Balbharati Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Maharashtra State Board Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board students prefer Balbharati Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
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