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Solutions for Chapter 2: Trade
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 2 of Maharashtra State Board Balbharati for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board.
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 2 Trade Exercise Q.1 [Pages 41 - 44]
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
_________ is the link between producer and retailer.
Price charged by retailers is generally _______.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
A Wholesaler invest ___________ capital in the business.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Retailer is the_________ link in the chain of distribution.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Retailers supply information to the ________ through Wholesalers.
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Major items __________ are ch emicals, crude oil and petroleum products, edible oils, electronic goods, gold and silver, pearl and precious stone.
exported by India
not exported by India
imported by India
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
Major items __________ are ch emicals, crude oil and petroleum products, edible oils, electronic goods, gold and silver, pearl and precious stone.
exported by India
not exported by India
imported by India
For customs clearance the ______ is prepared by the exporter.
carting Order
letter of C redit
shipping Bill
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
___________ carry goods on their head in baskets or containers.
Cheap Jacks
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
_________ open their shops on market days i.e. on fixed days.
Street traders
Market T raders
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
_________ retailers deal in particular goods.
General Stores
Speciality shop retailers
Second h and goods shops
Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence.
_______ is k now n as self-service store.
Department store
Super market
Multiple store
Match the pairs.
Group ‘A’ | Group ‘B’ |
A) | Departmental Store | 1) | Carry goods on heads |
B) | Market traders | 2) | Uniform Price |
C) | General shops | 3) | Business on market day |
D) | One price shop | 4) | Most common shop |
E) | Peddlers | 5) | Huge capital |
6) | Distribution through branches | ||
7) | Carry goods on carts | ||
8) | Sale used articles | ||
9) | Specialized goods | ||
10) | Auth oriz ed dealers |
Match the pairs.
Group ‘A’ | Group ‘B’ |
A) | Import Trade | 1) | First step in Import |
B) | Registration | 2) | Goods not for own country |
C) | Entrepot trade | 3) | Buying goods from other country |
D) | Letter of Credit | 4) | No restrictions |
5) | Selling goods to other country | ||
6) | Credit worthiness of importer. | ||
7) | Recovery of dues |
Give one word/phrase/term:
A person who move daily from place to place to sell goods.
Give one word/phrase/term:
The middleman between wholesaler and customer.
Give one word/phrase/term:
A retail shop which operates through branches.
Give one word/phrase/term:
A shop where all goods are available at same price.
Give one word/phrase/term:
A retailer who display his goods on the road.
Give one word/phrase/term:
An order placed by an importer for the supply of certain goods.
State True or False.
Wholesaler keeps large stock of goods.
State True or False.
Wholesaler deals in small quantity.
State True or False.
A retailer has no direct contact with consumers.
Super market shops offer home delivery facilities to customer.
State True or False.
Departmental store located out of the city
State True or False.
Customers cannot bargain in one price shop.
State True or False.
Letter of Credit is required for obtaining export license.
State True or False.
Buying goods from other country is known as export trade.
State True or False.
Maintaining high quality is necessary to sustain in export business.
Complete the sentence.
The original form of trade was _________.
Trade establishes a link between producers and ______.
Complete the sentence.
The wholesaler provides valuable services to manufactures and __________.
Complete the sentence.
The wholesaler purchases a large quantity of goods from the __________.
Complete the sentence.
The wholesaler bears the risk of _________ and market fluctuations
Complete the sentence.
The wholesaler provides financial support to retailers by way of __________ facility.
Complete the sentence.
The retailer is the connecting link between the wholesaler and _________.
Complete the sentence.
_________ is a large retail organization which mainly sells wide variety of food and grocery items on th e basis of ‘self-service’.
Complete the sentence.
_______ are retail stores owned by a single organization.
Complete the sentence.
The shop where th e prices of all products or goods are same is k now n as ____________.
Complete the sentence.
A modern shopping mall is an ____________ term.
Complete the sentence.
The Letter of Credit is the safest method of payment in _________ trade.
Find the odd one
General Stores
Cheap Jacks
Find the odd one
Departmental Stores
Chain Stores
Market Trader
One Price Shop
Find the odd one
Speciality Shops
Secondhand goods shops
Authorised Dealers
Select the correct option.
Wholesaler deals in _____ quantity.
Select the correct option.
Departmental store located _______ the city.
out of
Select the correct option.
Customer cannot bargain in _________
General stores
one price shop
Select the correct option.
Retailer operates in ___________ markets
Select the correct option.
Departmental store is a ___________ scale retail shop.
Select the correct option.
Supermarket shop requires ___________capital.
Select the correct option.
Chain stores are retail store owned by _______ organization.
Select the correct option.
The shop where the prices of all th e products or goods are ___________ is k nown as one price shop.
Answer in one sentence
What do you mean by internal trade?
Answer in one sentence.
Who is known as hawkers?
Answer in one sentence
What is the meaning of Peddlers?
Answer in one sentence
What do you mean by fixed shop retailers?
Answer in one sentence
What do you mean by small scale fixed retailers?
Answer in one sentence
What do you mean by large scale fixed retailer?
Answer in one sentence
What is departmental store?
Answer in one sentence
What is meant by supermarket shop?
Answer in one sentence
What do you mean by chain store?
Answer in one sentence
What is one price shop?
Answer in one sentence
What is a mall?
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence:
When the trade activities are conducted between two or more countries, it is called as internal trade.
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence:
Export trade refers to the purchase of good and services from foreign country
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence:
The price charged in departmental stores is comparatively less.
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence:
Wholesaler requires less capital.
Correct the underlined word and rewrite the following sentence:
Tariff rates of various countries affect the internal trade.
Arrange in proper order:
a) Retailer
b) Consumer
c) Producer
d) Wholesaler
Arrange in proper order:
a) International Market
b) Local Market
c) National Market
d) State Market
Arrange in proper order:
a) Import Stage
b) Pre-import Stage
c) Post-import Stage
d) Preliminary Stage
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 2 Trade Exercise Q.2 [Page 44]
Explain the following term/concept:
Wholesale Trade
Explain the following term/concept:
Retail Trade.
Explain the following term/concept:
Foreign Trade.
Explain the following term/concept:
Letter Of Credit.
Explain the following term/concept:
One price shop.
Explain the following term/concept:
Departmental Store.
Explain the following term/concept:
General store.
Explain the following term/concept:
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 2 Trade Exercise Q.3 [Pages 44 - 45]
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Sonupant purchases his grocery material every month from the nearest Nandulal grocery shop and he purchases wheat, rice, and pulses in bulk for the whole year from Gorhe and Son’s market yard.
Who is the wholesaler?
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Sonupant purchases his grocery material every month from the nearest Nandulal grocery shop and he purchases wheat, rice, and pulses in bulk for the whole year from Gorhe and Son’s market yard.
Who is the retailer?
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Sonupant purchases his grocery material every month from the nearest Nandulal grocery shop and he purchases wheat, rice, and pulses in bulk for the whole year from Gorhe and Son’s market yard.
Any one difference between wholesaler and retailer?
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Anurag is selling goods to Japan Kavita is buying goods from USA where as Ganesh is buying raw material from South Africa and after processing it sells finished goods to Malaysia.
Who is exporter?
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Anurag is selling goods to Japan Kavita is buying goods from USA where as Ganesh 1s buying raw material from South Africa and after processing it sells finished goods to Malaysia.
Who is importer?
Study the following case/situation and express your opinion.
Anurag is selling goods to Japan Kavita is buying goods from USA where as Ganesh 1s buying raw material from South Africa and after processing it sells finished goods to Malaysia.
What is Entrepot Trade?
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 2 Trade Exercise Q.4 [Page 45]
Distinguish between the following:
Wholesaler and Retailer.
Distinguish between the following:
Itinerant Retailers and Non-Itinerant (Fixed shop retailer).
Distinguish between the following:
General stores and specialty stores.
Distinguish between the following:
Departmental stores and Chain stores.
Distinguish between the following:
Import trade and export trade.
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 2 Trade Exercise Q.5 [Pages 55 - 45]
Answer in brief.
State any four feature of one price shop.
Answer in brief.
State any four features of wholesalers to manufacturers.
Answer in brief.
Write any four services of retailers to consumers.
Answer in brief.
State any two types of small scale fixed shop retailer.
Answer in brief.
Explain preliminary stage of import procedure.
Answer in brief.
Explain post-shipment stage of export procedure.
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 2 Trade Exercise Q.6 [Page 45]
Justify the following statement:
Wholesaler sells goods in large quantities.
Justify the following statement:
Wholesaler maintains price stability.
Justify the following statement:
Retailer provide home delivery of goods to customers.
Justify the following statement:
Wholesaler performs various marketing functions.
Justify the following statement:
Authorized dealer do not have other product of other manufacturers.
Justify the following statement:
General stores are generally situated near residential areas.
Justify the following statement:
Departmental store has centralized management system.
Justify the following statement:
Packing plays an important role in selling product in the supermarket.
Justify the following statement:
Chain store sell a limited range of goods.
Justify the following statement:
There is no scope for bargaining in one price shop.
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 2 Trade Exercise Q.7 [Page 45]
Answer the following:
What are the main features of Wholesaler?
Explain the services of retailers to Wholesalers.
Explain small-scale fixed shop retailers.
Explain the services of wholesalers.
Explain the different services of retailers.
Define import trade. Explain its procedure in detail.
What is export trade? Explain its procedure in detail.
Solutions for 2: Trade
Balbharati solutions for Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 - Trade has the Maharashtra State Board Mathematics Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Balbharati solutions for Mathematics Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board 2 (Trade) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Balbharati textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 2 Trade are Introduction of Trade, Internal Trade, Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade, Concept of International Trade, Meaning of Export Trade, Meaning of Import Trade, Entrepot Trade.
Using Balbharati Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board solutions Trade exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Balbharati Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Maharashtra State Board Organisation of Commerce and Management (OCM) [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board students prefer Balbharati Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
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