2: An Introduction to Adobe Pagemaker
3: Introduction to Database Management System
4: Introduction to Hypertext Pre-Processor
5: PHP Function and Array
6: PHP Conditional Statements
7: Looping Structure
8: Forms and Files
9: Connecting PHP and MYSQL
10: Introduction to Computer Networks
11: Network Examples and Protocols
12: DNS (Domain Name System)
▶ 13: Network Cabling
14: Open Source Concepts
15: E-Commerce
16: Electronic Payment Systems
17: E-Commerce Security Systems
18: Electronic Data Interchange-EDI
![Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board chapter 13 - Network Cabling Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board chapter 13 - Network Cabling -](/images/computer-applications-english-class-12-tn-board_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 13: Network Cabling
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 13 of Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Samacheer Kalvi for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board.
Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board 13 Network Cabling Evaluation - PART – I [Pages 190 - 191]
Choose the correct answer
ARPANET stands for ______.
American Research Project Agency Network
Advanced Research Project Area Network
Advanced Research Project Agency Network
American Research Programs And Network
WWW was invented by ______.
Tim Berners Lee
Charles Babbage
Blaise Pascal
John Napier
Which cable is used in cable TV to connect with setup box?
UTP cable
Fibre optics
Coaxial cable
USB cable
Expansion of UTP is ______.
Uninterrupted Twisted Pair
Uninterrupted Twisted Protocol
Unshielded Twisted Pair
Universal Twisted Protocol
Which medium is used in the optical fibre cables to transmit data?
infra red
Which of the following is a small peripheral device with a sim slot to connect the computers to Internet?
Memory card
Which connector is used in the Ethernet cables?
Which of the following connector is called as champ connector?
How many pins are used in RJ45 cables?
Which wiring standard is used for connecting two computers directly?
straight Through wiring
Cross Over wiring
Rollover wiring
Pick the odd one out from the following cables.
roll over
cross over
null modem
straight through
Match the following.
1. Ethernet | Port |
2. RJ45 connector | Ethernet |
3. RJ45 jack | Plug |
4. RJ45 cable | 802.3 |
1, 2, 4, 3
4, 1, 3, 2
4, 3, 1, 2
4, 2, 1, 3
Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board 13 Network Cabling Evaluation - PART – II [Page 191]
Short Answers
Write a note on twisted pair cable?
What are the uses of USB cables?
Write a note on the types of RJ45 connector.
What is an Ethernet port?
What is the use of the Crimping tool?
What are the types of twisted pair cables?
What is meant by champ connector?
Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board 13 Network Cabling Evaluation - PART – III [Page 191]
Explain in Brief Answer
Write a note on crossover cables.
Write a short note on RJ45 connector?
What are the differences between serial and parallel ports?
What is meant by null modem cable?
What are the components involved in Ethernet cabling?
What are the types of Fibre optic cables?
Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board 13 Network Cabling Evaluation - PART – IV [Page 191]
Explain in detail
What is meant by Registered Jack?
Explain briefly the types of Jacks.
Explain wiring techniques used in Ethernet cabling.
Explain about RJ45 connector.
Explain the components used in Ethernet cabling.
Explain the types of network cables.
Solutions for 13: Network Cabling
![Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board chapter 13 - Network Cabling Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board chapter 13 - Network Cabling -](/images/computer-applications-english-class-12-tn-board_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board chapter 13 - Network Cabling has the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Mathematics Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Mathematics Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education 13 (Network Cabling) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Samacheer Kalvi textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board chapter 13 Network Cabling are Introduction to Network Cabling, Types of Network Cables, Ethernet Cabling Components, Types of Jacks, Ethernet Cable Color Coding Techniques.
Using Samacheer Kalvi Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board solutions Network Cabling exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Samacheer Kalvi Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Computer Applications [English] Class 12 TN Board students prefer Samacheer Kalvi Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
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