1.02: Ancient Civilisations
1.03: Early Tamil Society and Culture
1.04: Intellectual Awakening and Socio-Political Changes
1.05: The Classical World
1.06: The Middle Ages
1.07: State and Society in Medieval India
1.08: The Beginning of the Modern Age
1.09: The Age of Revolutions
1.1: Industrial Revolution
1.11: Colonialism in Asia and Africa
2.01: Lithosphere – 1 Endogenetic Processes
▶ 2.02: Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes
2.03: Atmosphere
2.04: Hydrosphere
2.05: Biosphere
2.06: Man and Environment
2.07: Mapping Skills
2.08: Disaster Management: Responding to Disasters
3.01: Forms of Government and Democracy
3.02: Election, Political Parties and Pressure Groups
3.03: Human Rights
3.04: Forms of Government
3.05: Local Self Government
3.06: Road Safety
4.01: Understanding Development: Perspectives, Measurement and Sustainability
4.02: Employment in India and Tamil Nadu
4.03: Money and Credit
4.04: Agriculture in Tamil Nadu
4.05: Migration
![Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board chapter 2.02 - Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board chapter 2.02 - Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes -](/images/social-science-english-class-9-tn-board_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 2.02: Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 2.02 of Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Samacheer Kalvi for Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board.
Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board 2.02 Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes Exercises [Pages 177 - 179]
Choose the best answer
The disintegration or decomposition of rocks is generally called as
The process of the levelling up of land by means of natural agents.
______ is seen in the lower course of the river.
Alluvial fan
Karst topography is formed due to the action of
Sea waves
Ground water
Which one of the following is not a depositional feature of a glacier?
Deposits of fine silt blown by wind is called as
Stacks are formed by ______
Wave erosion
River erosion
Glacial erosion
Wind deposion
______ erosion is responsible for the formation of cirque.
underground water
Match the following:
1. Distributaries | glacial action |
2. Mushroom rock | action of sea wave |
3. Eskers | Lower course of river |
4. Stalactites | Aeolian process |
5. Cliff | karst topography |
Consider the given statements and choose the right option given below
- ‘I’ Shaped valley is an erosional feature of the river
- ‘U’ Shaped valley is an erosional feature of the glacier
- ‘V’ Shaped valley is an erosional feature of the glacier.
i, ii & iii are correct
i & ii are correct
i & iii are correct
only (ii) is correct
Statement I: Running water is an important agent of gradation Statement II: The work of the river depends on the slop of land on which if flows
Statement I is false and II is true
Statement I and II are false
Statement I is true and II is false
Statement I and II are true
Statement: Limestone regions have less underground water.
Reason: Water does not percolate through limestone.
The statement is right reason is wrong.
The statement is wrong reason is right.
The statement and reason are wrong.
The statement and reason are right.
Answer in brief
Define weathering.
What do you mean by biological weathering?
Mention the three courses of a river with any two land forms associated to each course.
What are ox-bow lakes?
How does a sea cave differ from a sea arch?
List out any four karst topographical areas found in India.
What do you mean by a hanging valley?
Define: Moraine
Define Drumlin.
Define Esker.
Mention the various features formed by wind erosion.
What is a wave cut platform?
Give Reasons:
Chemical weathering is predominant in hot and humid zones.
Give Reasons:
Silt deposits are less at estuaries than deltas.
Give Reasons:
Wind can possibly erode the rocks from all sides.
Distinguish between
Distinguish between physical and chemical weathering.
Distinguish between Delta and Estuary.
Distinguish between Stalactite and stalagmite.
Distinguish between Longitudinal and Transverse sand dunes.
Distinguish between Inselbergs and yardangs.
Distinguish between Spit and bar.
Answer in Paragraph
Write a note on weathering classify and explain.
Explain the erosional landforms formed by underground water.
What is a glacier?
Explain types of glaciers.
Describe the depositional work of winds.
Map Skill
On the given outline map of the world, mark the following.
- Any two deltas
- A Karst region
- Any two hot and cold deserts.
Is wind the only gradational agent in the desert?
Underground water is more common in limestone areas than surface run off. Why?
The river channels in the lower course are wider than the upper course.
Give geographical terms for the following
Chemical alternation of carbonate rocks on lime stone region.
Flat surfaces near cliffs.
Erosion + Transportation = Deposition.
The bottom line of a snow field.
Solutions for 2.02: Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes
![Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board chapter 2.02 - Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board chapter 2.02 - Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes -](/images/social-science-english-class-9-tn-board_6:5f2b1b2038084cf381bfa42c826a928c.jpg)
Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board chapter 2.02 - Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes has the Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Mathematics Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Samacheer Kalvi solutions for Mathematics Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education 2.02 (Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Samacheer Kalvi textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board chapter 2.02 Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes are Introduction of Lithosphere – II Exogenetic Processes, Weathering, Gradation, Physical Weathering, Chemical Weathering, Biological Weathering.
Using Samacheer Kalvi Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board solutions Lithosphere – 2 Exogenetic Processes exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Samacheer Kalvi Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education Social Science [English] Class 9 TN Board students prefer Samacheer Kalvi Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
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