Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
That for themselves a cooling covert make
"Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with the sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;
(a) Identify the poem and the poet.
(b) What is the role of the clear rills?
(c) How has the mid forest brake become rich?
(d) Name the figure of speech in 'cooling covert'.
a. The poem is ‘A thing of Beauty’ and the poet is John Keats.
b. The clear rills refer to clear and small streams of water which make a cooling shelter for themselves against the hot season.
c. The thick mass of ferns with their beautiful musk roses makes the mid forest become rich in beauty.
d. Cooling covert is an alliteration
संबंधित प्रश्न
Anne's relationship with her mother was never simple. What created the tension and discord? Why
Attempt the following in 150-200 words.
What was the incident of the Frost King? How did it affect Helen?
Chimps making their own fishing rods is an indication that
Identify the phrases and lines that indicate distance between father and son.
Explain the line:
She makes too much steam–you want to hang the monkey wrench on the safety valve!
Study the Note to Aspects of the Novel given at the end. Discuss the features that mark the piece as a talk as distinguished from a critical essay.
How do stories/biographies of such famous people help youngsters?
What message does this story bring out for youngsters?
Read the poem and write 3 qualities of the following.
Have you heard of birds that fly from one part of the world to another in small or large flocks?
They are called Migratory birds.
Discuss and write down two reasons why they migrate and return.
Kite - flying in Gujarat, is a competitive sport - cum - festival.
Form groups and discuss what must have happened to the handkerchief. Write the story in your own words.
Show the three categories of volcanoes using the following tree diagram structure.
Discuss and write 1-2 lines about the following,
Why Bushi told Yonamine not to travel at night.
Choose any one of the seven States. Find more information about it and prepare a leaflet or brochure to invite people to visit it.
Who was Sushruta?
Antonio’s ships were lost at sea.
Read each invitation carefully, keeping in mind the list of eight questions given below. Note the answers in your notebook. Verify that the formal invitation ‘A’ covers all the eight points. Now see which of these eight points are covered in the other invitations ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’. Put tickmarks against the points that are covered.
- A formal invitation
- An oral invitation
- A notice
- Another oral invitation
- Who is sending/giving the information?
- What is the programme?
- What is the name of the project?
- Who will inaugurate it?
- Who will preside over the function?
- What time will the function start?
- Where will it take place?
- How many names get mentioned in the invitation?
Points | A | B | C | D |
(1) | ✓ | |||
(2) | ✓ | |||
(3) | ✓ | |||
(4) | ✓ | |||
(5) | ✓ | |||
(6) | ✓ | |||
(7) | ✓ | |||
(8) | 6 |
Read the following from the Language Study pages:
- adjective clause
- adverb clause
- noun clause
Find one example of each from the passages. (Note the linking word when you do that.)
Which of the words and phrases in the poem will you use in a realistic description?
Put a tick mark against the ones you will use.
- little
- shining tail
- golden scale
- cheerful
- grin
- claws
- gently smiling
- jaws
Listen carefully and guess how the sentence would end.
When the students saw the question paper, they were ______.
Mahatma Gandhi, Che Guevera, Guru Nanak, and Gauthama Buddha are some of the famous personalities and thinkers who made extensive journeys to understand life. Do you think journeys can be life-changing?
What scared Usha during the dark rainy night?
Who is Raj?
What happened to the two girls at the end of the war?
______is a Do It Yourself kid.
Mugund did not cut the raw wood.
The pretty little fir tree was happy with gold leaves but______.
Choose the right word.
“Eat the leaves of the tamarind tree, and you’ll also sing like ______.
How did the jackal become blue?