
..... and Clear Rills that for Themselves a Cooling Covert Make "Gainst the Hot Season; the Mid Forest Brake, - English Core



Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:      

'..... and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
"Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with the sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;

(a) Identify the poem and the poet.
(b) What is the role of the clear rills?
(c) How has the mid forest brake become rich?
(d) Name the figure of speech in 'cooling covert'.


a. The poem is ‘A thing of Beauty’ and the poet is John Keats.
b. The clear rills refer to clear and small streams of water which make a cooling shelter for themselves against the hot season.
c. The thick mass of ferns with their beautiful musk roses makes the mid forest become rich in beauty.
d. Cooling covert is an alliteration

Reading Skills
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2017-2018 (March) All India Set 1

संबंधित प्रश्‍न

Attempt a character sketch of Mr Gilman as a teacher.

Who said to whom and when / why?

  Who said To whom? When / why?
......the world is full of inequalities.      
I want to do something interesting.      
It is against the will of God.      
Our home is full of love.......      
...... we can affirm along with United Nations that men and women are equal.      

State whether the following statement is true or false. Correct the false statement.

The Ear was appointed as a judge.

Write four reasons why animals in a zoo suffer more than those who live free in the wild. 

Find more information about the Indian Armed Forces - the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force with the help of your teacher. 

Explain the use of the following property in the development of the play.


The merchant ships brought spices and other treasures from India and other countries to Italy.

Read the following sentence aloud. Write who said it and to whom.

“Look, here’s something for you.”

Prepare similar word chains using the following ideas.

size - big _______________.

Fill in the blank choosing the appropriate word/idiom from the lesson.

While arguing with his elders he had ______.

What did the husband want to do with the extra milk?

Find out how the following game is played.


Describe Gulliver’s home in Lilliput. 

Give two reasons why Miranda was so concerned about Ferdinand.

Departure was delayed because of the author.

The author left the ties in the taxi.

Read the story again and write how these character reacted in these situation:

Just wait till zigzag settles down in this new home. Visu………….................………………
Aravind and Maya…….……………….

Why did Granny scold Hamid?

Neerja passed on the warning in a code to the pilots because she______.

Complete the sentence given below with word/phrase.

The buffalo ______ in the hole.

How did the third daughter use the grain?

Match their hobbies.


Write the rhyming word.

Nature - ______.

Where is Keeraikuppam located?

Which disaster had hit the village?

Leaf cutter ants drink ______.

What was his dream ?

Why does the poet feel that the nose is a funny thing?

What did the carpenter buy?



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