Karnataka Board PUCPUC Science 2nd PUC Class 12

An aromatic compound ‘A’ on treatment with aqueous ammonia and heating forms compound ‘B’ which on heating with Br2 and KOH forms a compound ‘C’ of molecular formula C6H7N. Write the structures and IUPAC names of compounds A, B and C. - Chemistry



An aromatic compound ‘A’ on treatment with aqueous ammonia and heating forms compound ‘B’ which on heating with Br2 and KOH forms a compound ‘C’ of molecular formula C6H7N. Write the structures and IUPAC names of compounds A, B and C.

Solution 1

It is given that compound ‘C’ having the molecular formula, C6H7N is formed by heating compound ‘B’ with Br2 and KOH. This is a Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction. Therefore, compound ‘B’ is an amide and compound ‘C’ is an amine. The only amine having the molecular formula, C6H7N is aniline, (C6H5NH2).

Therefore, compound ‘B’ (from which ’C’ is formed) must be benzamide, (C6H5CONH2).

Further, benzamide is formed by heating compound ‘A’ with aqueous ammonia. Therefore, compound ‘A’ must be benzoic acid.

The given reactions can be explained with the help of the following equations:



Solution 2

Since the compound ‘C’ with molecular formula C6H7N is formed from compound ‘B’ on treatment with Br2 KOH, therefore, compound ‘B’ must be an amide and ‘C’ must be an amine.
The only amine having the molecular formula C6H7N, i. e., C6H5NH2 is aniline.

Since ‘C’ is aniline, therefore, die amide from which it is formed must be benzamide (C6H5CONH2). Thus, compound‘B’is benzamide. Since compound ‘B’ is formed from compound ‘A’ with aqueous ammonia and heating, therefore, compound ‘A’ must be benzoic acid.

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Chapter 13: Amines - Exercises [Page 402]


NCERT Chemistry [English] Class 12
Chapter 13 Amines
Exercises | Q 10 | Page 402


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