An explant is ______.
dead plant
part of the plant
part of the plant used in tissue culture
part of the plant that expresses a specific gene
An explant is part of the plant used in tissue culture.
Write the two limitations of traditional breeding technique that led to the promotion of micropropagation.
Name the technology that has helped scientists to propagate on a large scale the desired crops in a short duration. List the steps carried out to propagate the crops by the said technique.
In the following questions/statements has four suggested answers. Rewrite the correct answer
Roots and shoots lengthen through the activity of:
(A) Apical meristem
(B) Vascular Cambium
(C) Lateral meristem
(D) Cork Cambium
Explain the transpiration pull theory for an ascent of sap
Answer the following question:
What is a clone?
List any four applications of tissue culture.
Protoplast is ______.
Why are plants obtained by protoplast culture called somatic hybrids?
Would it be wrong to call plants obtained through micro-propagation as ‘clones’? Comment.
What does the plant tissue culture medium consists of?