Answer in detail:
Explain the rural and urban population structure.
Answer in Brief
- The area where more people are engaged in primary activities is called a rural area, and the people living in rural areas are called rural populations.
- The area where more people are engaged in secondary and tertiary activities is called urban areas, and people living in urban areas are called urban populations.
- There is a difference in the density of the population, age structure, sex ratio, occupation structure, standard of living, lifestyle of people, sources of income, literacy rate, etc.
- There is a major difference in the level of economic development in rural and urban areas.
- There is more use of modern technology in urban areas compared to rural areas. Therefore, development in all fields is very fast.
- Due to more development of industries and infrastructure in urban areas, there is an increase in transportation and trade as compared to rural areas.
- The criteria to differentiate rural and urban populations vary from one country to another.
Population Composition
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- Adults
- Children
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- Young people