
Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world? - Geography



Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world?


  • Latvia

  • United Arab Emirates

  • Japan

  • France




Population Composition
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Chapter 3: Population Composition - Exercises [Page 21]


NCERT Fundamentals of Human Geography [English] Class 12
Chapter 3 Population Composition
Exercises | Q 1. (iii) | Page 21


Identify the correct co-relation :

A: Assertion; R: Reasoning

A: In the population pyramid, a broad base indicates a high number of children in a country.
R: Broad apex is an indicator of the high number of elderly in a country

Give geographical reason

Less population is engaged in agriculture in developed countries

Identify the incorrect factor

Type of age-sex pyramid:

Identify the incorrect factor

Regions having sex ratio more than one thousand:

Identify the incorrect factor

Difference in population according to rural-urban structure:

State whether right or wrong:

Literacy ratio of population is indicator of economic and social development of a country.

Observe the following graph and answer the question given below


  1. Which region has the highest literacy rate?
  2. Which region has the lowest literacy rate?
  3. In which region does women fare better than men in literacy rate?
  4. Write a concluding paragraph about the graph.
  5. Which is the type of graph?

Write short note

Occupational structure of India

Write short note

Rural-urban structure of population

Which one of the following states has the highest proportion of the urban population in India according to the 2001 Census?

Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?

Give an account of the occupational structure of India’s population.

Which one of the following has caused the sex ratio of the United Arab Emirates to be low?

Name the country with the lowest sex ratio in the world.

How is occupational structure a good indicator of levels of economic development of a nation?

“In some countries of the world, the sex ratio is unfavourable to women.” Give one reason.

Describe the main characteristics of each of the major groups of human occupations in the world.

What is life expectancy in India?

Which of the following is the largest religious minority in India?

Which state has the lowest sex ratio?

How many scheduled languages are in our constitution?

Which one of the following country has highest sex ratio in the world?

Which one of the following reflected by Age-Sex pyramid?

Narrow base of age-sex pyramid refers to ______.

The lowest sex ratio is found in ______.

Favourable sex ratio is found in how many countries.

In European countries, a deficit of males is due to ______.

In which continent, low sex ratio is found?

Which type of age-sex pyramid is of Australia?

According to the UNO, how many countries have sex ratio favourable for females?

Population of India according to Occupation can be categorized into:

Study the given graph carefully and answer the following question:

Intra-state Migration by place of Last Residence Indicating Migration Streams India, 2011

Inter-state Migration by Place of Last Residence Indicating Migration Streams India, 2011

What is the main cause of female migration from rural to urban?

The developed countries having low birth and death rates come under which category?

Population composition means

India's population as per the 2011 census is:

From which of the following do we get information regarding the population of our country?

Which of the following is a major concern of study about the population of a country?

The sex ratio in a country can be expressed as which of the following?

A country having pyramid of population that has a wide base and sharply tapered top is characterised by which of the following?

Arrange according to increase in age :

  1. Adults
  2. Children
  3. Old people
  4. Young people

Assertion: India is agrarian country.

Reason: Population engaged in agriculture is high in India.

Identify the correct group or factor.

Draw neat, labelled diagram:

Stationary pyramids

"India is a land of linguistic diversity." Support the statement. 

Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?



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