Assertion: In population pyramid, a broad base indicates high number of children in a country.
Reason: Broad apex is an indicator of high number of elderly in a country.
Assertion: Broad base in population pyramid indicates higher number of children.
Reason: Broad apex in population pyramid indicates higher number of old people.
Only Assertion is correct.
Only Reason is correct.
Both Assertion and Reason correct and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
Both Assertion and Reason correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Both Assertion and Reason correct but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Write a short note on:
Occupational structure of a population.
Differentiate between:
Expansive population pyramid and Constrictive population pyramid.
Answer in detail :
Outline the importance of population pyramids in the study of populations.
Identify the incorrect factor
Regions having literacy more than 80%:
What do you mean by natural advantage and social disadvantage?
Which age group forms the working population?
How many scheduled languages are in our constitution?
Which one of the following country has highest sex ratio in the world?
Study the given graph carefully and answer the following question:
Intra-state Migration by place of Last Residence Indicating Migration Streams India, 2011
Inter-state Migration by Place of Last Residence Indicating Migration Streams India, 2011
Who dominates rural to rural migration in intra-state migration?
Sex ratio in the world is calculated as?