
Define the Following: (A) Potential Difference (B) (I) Coulomb (Ii) Ohm - Physics



Define the following:
 (i) Coulomb
(ii) Ohm



(i) Coulomb: It is the unit of charge.
(ii) Ohm: It is the unit of resistance. The resistance of a conductor is said to be 1 ohm, if 1 ampere current flows through it, when the potential difference across its ends is 1 volt.

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Chapter 4: Current Electricity - Exercise 1 [Page 209]


Frank Physics - Part 2 [English] Class 10 ICSE
Chapter 4 Current Electricity
Exercise 1 | Q 2.2 | Page 209


Will current flow more easily through a thick wire or a thin wire of the same material, when connected to the same source? Why?

The relationship between the potential difference and the current in a conductor is stated in the form of a law.

1) Name the law.

2) What does the slope of V-I graph for a conductor represent?

3) Name the material used for making the connecting wire.

Four resistances of 16 ohms each are connected in parallel. Four such combinations are connected in series. What is the total resistance? 


An electric bulb draws 1.2 A current at 6.0 V. Find the resistance of filament of bulb while glowing.

A wire of resistance 3 ohm and length 10 cm is stretched to length 30 cm. Assuming that it has a uniform cross section, what will be its new resistance?

Two metallic spheres A and B kept on insulating stands are in contact with each other. A positively charged  rod P is brought near the sphere A as shown in the figure. The two spheres are separated from each other,  and the rod P is removed. What will be the nature of charges on spheres A and B?

The resistance of a nichrome wire at 0°C is 10Ω. If its temperature coefficient of resistivity of nichrome is 0.004/ °C, find its resistance of the wire at boiling point of water. Comment on the result.

An electronics hobbyist is building a radio which requires 150 Ω in her circuit, but she has only 220 Ω, 79 Ω, and 92 Ω resistors available. How can she connect the available resistors to get the desired value of resistance?

You are provided with a resistor, a key, an ammeter, a voltmeter, four cells of 1.5 V each and few connecting wires. Using circuit components, draw a labelled circuit diagram to show the setup to study Ohm's law.

State the relationship between potential difference (V) across the resistor and the current (I) flowing through it. Also draw V-I graph, taking V on the X-axis.

Why should an ammeter have low resistance?



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