
Give Reasons:Ferrimagnetic Substances Show Better Magnetism than Antiferromagnetic Substances. - Chemistry



Give reasons:Ferrimagnetic substances show better magnetism than antiferromagnetic substances.

Why do ferrimagnetic substances show better magnetism than antiferromagnetic substances?

Solution 1

In the presence of magnetic field, the magnetic moments of domains of  an antiferromagnetic substances  are ordered in such a way half of the magnetic moments are aligned in one direction while the remaining half are in opposite direction. As a result of it net magnetic moment will be zero whereas in case of ferrimagnetic substances the magnetic moments of the domains of ferrimagnetic substances are aligned in parallel and anti-parallel directions in unequal numbers. As a result, there will be small value of magnetic moment for ferrimagnetic substances.


Solution 2

Anti-ferromagnetism have domain structures that are oppositely oriented and cancel out each other's magnetic moment while in ferrimagnetism the magnetic moments of the domains in the substance are aligned in parallel and anti-parallel directions in unequal numbers resulting net dipole moment. Hence,  ferrimagnetic substances show better magnetism than antiferromagnetic substances.

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2016-2017 (March) Delhi Set 3

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