
How Does Polarised Dielectric Modify the Original External Field? - Physics



How does polarised dielectric modify the original external field?


The field causes a uniform polarisation P of the dielectric. This induces a net charge density. Thus, the polarised dielectric is equivalent to two charged surfaces with induced surface charge densities.

Hence, the field produced by these surface charges opposes the external field.

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2015-2016 (March) All India Set 3 N

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Distinguish with the help of a suitable diagram, the difference in the behaviour of a conductor and a dielectric placed in an external electric field.

Write a relation for polarisation `vecP`of a dielectric material in the presence of an external electric field `vecE .`

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A dielectric slab is inserted between the plates of a capacitor. The charge on the capacitor is Q and the magnitude of the induced charge on each surface of the dielectric is Q'.

A capacitor stores 50 µC charge when connected across a battery. When the gap between the plates is filled with a dielectric, a charge of 100 µC flows through the battery. Find the dielectric constant of the material inserted.

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Explain briefly, using a proper diagram, the difference in behaviour of a conductor and a dielectric in  the presence of external electric field.

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(given ε0 = 8.86 × 10-12 C2/Nm2)

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