How does self awareness affect psychological well being?
The person who has self awareness not only recognizes his or her emotions but also understands the causes of the emotions. The individual is aware of his/her actions, moods, and emotions, his/her strengths and weaknesses. This makes him/her well adjusted i.e., it positively affects his/her well being. He/she makes efforts to overcome his/her weaknesses and enhance his/her strengths.
Explain the concept of realistic perception of self with an example.
Mention the components of emotional intelligence.
What are the conditions that lead to low self esteem? Give examples.
What is the significance of openness to new experiences?
What is the significance of self motivation?
Enlist the qualities a person requires for having healthy relationships with others.
How important are the social skills? Give example.
Compare and contrast.
Realistic perception of self - Unrealistic perception of self
Compare and contrast.
Openness to new experiences - Inhibitions/fear of new experiences
Compare and contrast.
High self esteem - Low self esteem