2: Branches of Psychology
3: Self
4: Human Development
▶ 5: Healthy Me - Normal Me
6: Stress
7: Nervous System
8: Memory
![Balbharati solutions for Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 5 - Healthy Me - Normal Me Balbharati solutions for Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 5 - Healthy Me - Normal Me -](/images/psychology-english-11-standard-maharashtra-state-board_6:f9b9a17c34d64903ba368e78e34f6a98.jpg)
Solutions for Chapter 5: Healthy Me - Normal Me
Below listed, you can find solutions for Chapter 5 of Maharashtra State Board Balbharati for Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board.
Balbharati solutions for Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board 5 Healthy Me - Normal Me Exercises [Pages 58 - 60]
Complete the following statements.
One of the criteria of well adjusted behaviour is ___________.
Openness to new experience
Artistic ability
According to the humanistic perspective, every individual strives for ___________.
Absence of problems
Absence of mental disorder
Enjoyment in life
Development of one’s abilities to the fullest
According to ____________ perspective, one of the causes of abnormality is 'genetic predisposition’.
__________ face the identity crisis.
Young adults
Old people
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
Sucheta has an IQ which falls into the category of genius which is rare to find. 'Genius’ is a statistical deviance. Therefore, she is abnormal.
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
It is very rare to find a person possessing all the criteria of well adjusted person.
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
Over expectation from the parents can lead to lack of self confidence.
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
Well adjusted individual does not encounter failure at all.
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
Abnormality is always hereditary.
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
Self awareness is being passionate about fulfilling one’s needs.
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
Social skill is the ability to interact well with others.
Openness to new experience leads to dangerous situations, therefore it should not be encouraged.
Identify the odd item from the following.
Self awareness
Self regulation
Self motivation
Social skills
Identify the odd item from the following.
Cognitive perspective
Humanistic perspective
Psychoanalytic perspective
Motivational perspective
Identify the odd item from the following.
High Anxiety
Negative thoughts
High self esteem
Self blame
Identify the odd item from the following.
Personal distress
Low intelligence
Impaired functioning
Match the following.
Column A | Column B |
(1) The emphasis upon Unconscious mind | (a) Biological |
(2) Survival and reproduction are the purpose of mental processes | (b) Cognitive |
(3) Chemical changes the brain | (c) Psychoanalytic |
(4) Abnormal behaviour is due to faulty learning | (d) Evolutionary |
(5) Emphasis upon thinking process | (e) Sociocultural |
Match the columns.
Column A | Column B |
(i) Stress and storm | (1) Used for gaining more power |
(ii) Body image | (2) Adolescence |
(iii) Bullying | (3) May lead to lack of self confidence |
(iv) Low self esteem | (4) Childhood |
(v) Nurturance | (5) Anorexia |
(6) Feminine trait |
Answer the following questions in around 35-40 words.
Explain the concept of realistic perception of self with an example.
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Emotional Intelligence
Mention the components of emotional intelligence.
What are the conditions that lead to low self esteem? Give examples.
What is the significance of openness to new experiences?
How does self awareness affect psychological well being?
What is the significance of self motivation?
Enlist the qualities a person requires for having healthy relationships with others.
How important are the social skills? Give example.
State the biological perspective to abnormal behaviour with an example.
Explain the humanistic perspective.
Explain the sociocultural perspective to abnormal behaviour.
Compare and contrast.
Realistic perception of self - Unrealistic perception of self
Compare and contrast.
Openness to new experiences - Inhibitions/fear of new experiences
Compare and contrast.
High self esteem - Low self esteem
Compare and contrast.
Sympathy - Empathy
Compare and contrast.
Behavioural perspective - Humanistic perspective to abnormality
What are the possible consequences of Geeta is more interested in literature but being only daughter of a well-established Orthopaedic surgeon having his own hospital, she is under pressure of choosing medial profession as her career.
What are the possible consequences of Sujata is an intelligent girl but she is extremely sensitive to criticism and perceives herself as less competent.
What are the possible consequences of Trisha is not able to make friends. She cannot initiate conversation with strangers at all. She is placed as a leader of one of the teams for campus-cleaning.
What will you do if you see your best friend bullying your classmate?
What will you do if you see a girl in your class who is not included in many of the classroom activities, who does not have any friend and who faces rejection from everyone?
What will you do if you got very less marks in the First Terminal exam?
What will you do if you are very much interested in taking part in a drama to be performed in the annual function of your college, but you are not selected?
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Criteria of well-adjusted person
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Criteria of abnormal behaviour
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Psychoanalytic perspective
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Cognitive perspective
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Sexual orientation
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Emotional Intelligence
Read the following case carefully and answer the questions based upon that.
Pritha was a merit holder girl from a middle class family. She joined a college where majority of students were from a rich backgrounds. Although she was capable of following lectures and was doing well in her studies, she felt lonely as she could not get acceptance in the groups of her classmates coming from affluent families. She tried to dress like them and started asking for extra pocket money from her parents. Her classmates joked at her dressing sense. She could not tolerate the mockery and stopped going to the college. Instead, she started spending time visiting strange places like public parks, railway stations, and shopping malls. She did not appear for any of her exams. Her parents were unaware of all these things and on asking about college or studies, Pritha answered them without revealing the truth. At the end of the year, her parents received her report card by post from her college with a remark that 'Your ward has to take College Leaving certificate.’
On confronting Pritha, she became violent and started damaging the furniture uttering bad words about the middle class people, and thereafter her utterance was incomprehensible for her parents. This continued for a very long time.
- Which problems did Pritha face in her college?
- Could Pritha, according to you, have avoided her condition of 'feeling lonely’?
- What would you do if you were in Pritha’s place?
- Do you think Pritha should have spoken to her parents about her feelings at college? If yes, how it would have helped her?
Answer the following questions in 150-200 words.
What are the criteria of abnormal behaviour? Explain with examples.
What are the causes of abnormal behaviour?
Describe the challenges faced by adolescents with examples.
Solutions for 5: Healthy Me - Normal Me
![Balbharati solutions for Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 5 - Healthy Me - Normal Me Balbharati solutions for Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 5 - Healthy Me - Normal Me -](/images/psychology-english-11-standard-maharashtra-state-board_6:f9b9a17c34d64903ba368e78e34f6a98.jpg)
Balbharati solutions for Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 5 - Healthy Me - Normal Me has the Maharashtra State Board Mathematics Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board solutions in a manner that help students grasp basic concepts better and faster. The detailed, step-by-step solutions will help you understand the concepts better and clarify any confusion. Balbharati solutions for Mathematics Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board 5 (Healthy Me - Normal Me) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.
Further, we at provide such solutions so students can prepare for written exams. Balbharati textbook solutions can be a core help for self-study and provide excellent self-help guidance for students.
Concepts covered in Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board chapter 5 Healthy Me - Normal Me are Realistic Perception of Self and the World, Mental Health and Normal Behaviour, Five Criteria of Well Adjusted Individual, Maladjustment and Abnormal Behaviour, Abnormal Behaviour, Openness to New Experiences, Perspectives on Abnormal Behaviour, Challenges Faced by Adolescents, Emotional Intelligence, Healthy Relationships, Self Esteem.
Using Balbharati Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board solutions Healthy Me - Normal Me exercise by students is an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise and also page-wise. The questions involved in Balbharati Solutions are essential questions that can be asked in the final exam. Maximum Maharashtra State Board Psychology [English] 11 Standard Maharashtra State Board students prefer Balbharati Textbook Solutions to score more in exams.
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