What is the significance of openness to new experiences?
Well-adjusted individuals tend to think and act in individualistic, imaginative, and creative ways. They are willing to explore new experiences and choices, take risks, and are comfortable with novelty and change. They can easily deal with strangers and with complexity and ambiguity. They are confident in voicing their opinion honestly.
State whether the following statement is True or False and justify your answer with reason.
It is very rare to find a person possessing all the criteria of well adjusted person.
Mention the components of emotional intelligence.
What are the conditions that lead to low self esteem? Give examples.
How does self awareness affect psychological well being?
What is the significance of self motivation?
Enlist the qualities a person requires for having healthy relationships with others.
How important are the social skills? Give example.
Compare and contrast.
Realistic perception of self - Unrealistic perception of self
Compare and contrast.
Sympathy - Empathy
Write a short note in 50-60 words.
Criteria of well-adjusted person