
Name the Element in the Compound and Give the Formula of the Following Compound: Glauber’S Salt - Chemistry



Name the element in the compound and give the formula of the following compound:

Glauber’s salt

One Line Answer


Element Element in compound Formula
Glauber’s salt Sodium, sulphur, oxygen, hydrogen Na2SO4. 10H2O
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Chapter 1: The Language Of Chemistry - Additional Questions


Viraf J. Dalal Simplified ICSE Chemistry [English] Class 9
Chapter 1 The Language Of Chemistry
Additional Questions | Q 10.7


Write down the formulae of sodium oxide.

Write the chemical formula of the Calcium carbonate.

What is meant by a chemical formula ? Write the formulae of one element and one compound.

Write down the formulae for the following compounds :

Calcium oxide

An element Y has a valency of 4. Write the formula for its :

  1. chloride
  2. oxide
  3. sulphate
  4. carbonate
  5. nitrate

Write chemical formula of the sulphate of Aluminium, Ammonium and Zinc.

Give the empirical formula of : Benzene C6H6

Name the element in the compound and give the formula of the following compound:

Nitric acid

Write the formula of the following compound: 
Potassium carbonate

Write the formula of the following compound: 
Potassium sulphite

Write the formula of the following compound:

Potassium permanganate

Write the formula of the following compound:

Sodium plumbite

Write the formula of the following compound:

Copper [I] chloride

Write the formula of the following compound:

Copper [I] oxide

State of the following formula of a compound is incorrect. Incorrectly write the correct formula.


Write the chemical formula for the following elements.

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Ozone
  4. Sulphur

Which of the following represents a correct chemical formula? Name it.

There are ______ hydrogen atoms in water molecule.

What is a chemical formula?

Play a game for writing formula.

Example 1: Make placards with symbols and valencies of the elements separately. Each student should hold two placards, one with the symbol in the right hand and the other with the valency in the left hand. Keeping the symbols in place, students should criss-cross their valencies to form the formula of a compound.



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