
What is the Action of Following Reagents on Glucose? Bromine Water - Chemistry



What is the action of following reagents on glucose?

bromine water


Action of bromine water on glucose: The oxidation of glucose with bromine water
(which is a mild oxidizing agent) forms gluconic acid. This indicates presence of
aldehyde group.

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2015-2016 (July)



Describe laboratory method for preparation of glucose.

What is the action of following reagents on glucose?

hydroxyl amine

Stachyose is an example of _______.

(A) monosaccharides

(B) disaccharides

(C) trisaccharides

(D) tetrasaccharides

How is glucose prepared from cane sugar?

Write the formula of the complex copper (II) hexacyanoferrate (II).

Which component of starch is a branched polymer of α-glucose and insoluble in water?

How is glucose prepared by commercial method? How is peptide linkage formed?

How is glucose prepared from starch? 

Hydrolysis of starch yields ____________.

Carbohydrates are classified on the basis of their behaviour on hydrolysis and also as reducing or non-reducing sugar. Sucrose is a: 

(i) monosaccharide

(ii) disaccharide

(iii) reducing sugar

(iv) non-reducing sugar

Which sugar is called invert sugar? Why is it called so?

During curdling of milk, what happens to sugar present in it?

How do you explain the presence of five – OH groups in glucose molecule?

How do you explain the presence of an aldehydic group in a glucose molecule?

The α-D glucose and β-D glucose differ from each other due to difference in carbon atom with respect to its

In the acetylation of glucose, which group is involved in the reaction

Which of the following is an example of aldo hexose?

A nucleoside is made of:-

Amylopectin is a polymer of:-

Among the naturally occuring carbohydrates, furanose ring is found in the:

Which of the following statements is not true about glucose?

How is glucose prepared on commercial scale?



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