What is the significance of the number of protons found in the atoms of different elements?
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom determines the element type of the atom.
Elements are arranged on the bases of number of protons in their respective atoms.
Which subatomic particle was discovered by : Goldstein ?
Name the subatomic particle whose relative charge is : +1
Fill in the blank of the following statement :
The anode rays obtained from hydrogen gas consist of particles called ________
What is a proton? How does it differ from a neutron?
Define: Proton
Explain in brief the experimental proof which led to the discovery of –
Represent a proton ‘p’ in term of its symbol showing the subscript and superscript value.
Represent an electron ‘e’ in term of its symbol showing the subscript and superscript value.
In response to a question, a student stated that in an atom, the number of protons is greater than the number of neutrons, which in turn is greater than the number of electrons. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer.
An atom differs from its ion in ______.