
Biology 2013-2014 HSC Science (General) 12th Standard Board Exam Question Paper Solution

Marks: 70 Maharashtra State Board
HSC Science (General)

Academic Year: 2013-2014
Date: March 2014

[7]1 | Select and write the most appropriate Answer from the given alternatives for each sub-question:

The biological scissor is ______.

restriction endonuclease


DNA ligase


Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.12] Biotechnology

Dead and dried cell mass of microbes having nutritive value is also known as -----------

BGA (blue green algae).

SCP (Single-cell protein).

STP (sewage treatment plant).

VAM (vesicular arbuscularmycorrhizae) 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Enhancement of Food Production

From the visible spectrum of light, which component is reflected by the given leaves? 





Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Origin and Evolution of Life

For the formation of 50 seeds, how many minimum meiotic divisions are necessary?





Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.01] Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants

In bisexual flowers, maturation of gynoecium before androecium is known as ______.





Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.01] Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants

The permanent removal of forests and woodlands is called ---------------





Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.15] Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Issues

The abundance of phosphate, causing algal overgrowth resulting in depletion of oxygen and killing other aquatic life is known as --------------------------. 

Ecological succession


guano deposit

greenhouse effect

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.14] Ecosystems and Energy Flow
[6]2.A | Answer in ‘one’ sentence each:

What is ‘jumping genes’?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Enhancement of Food Production

Give the importance of heterocyst in cyanobateria.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Inheritance and Variation

From which microbial sources can pectinase be obtained?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Enhancement of Food Production

Which is the ultimate pathway for fixing carbon dioxide (CO2) into glucose? 

Concept: undefined - undefined

Name the process of respiration which does not involve intake of oxygen (O2). 

Concept: undefined - undefined

What is biomagnification?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.14] Ecosystems and Energy Flow

Sketch and label the ‘clover leaf model’ of t-RNA.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Molecular Basis of Inheritance
[4]2.C | Attempt any TWO of the following:

‘There is a hole in the ozone layer’. What do you understand by this?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.15] Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Issues

Name any ‘two’ edible varieties of mushrooms. Give nutritional values of these. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.14] Ecosystems and Energy Flow

With the help of diagrams, describe emasculation and bagging. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Origin and Evolution of Life

What is ‘biopatent’? Give any two examples.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.12] Biotechnology
[6]3.A | Attempt any TWO of the following:

Describe any ‘two’ applications of tissue culture technique.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Enhancement of Food Production

What is ‘photorespiration’? Explain it with diagrammatic representation. 

Concept: undefined - undefined

Describe the experiment of Hershey and Chase to prove that DNA is the genetic material. 

               Hershey and Chase Experiment

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Sketch and label ‘ultrastructure of mitochondrion’.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.04] Molecular Basis of Inheritance

What is ‘double fertilization’? Describe it with the help of a neat and well-labeled diagram. Give its importance.                              

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.01] Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants

Explain the law of independent assortment with a suitable example.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Inheritance and Variation
[7]5.A | Select and write the most Appropriate Answer from the given alternatives for each sub-question:

The most common types of fossils are ------------------------. 



Actual remains


Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Origin and Evolution of Life

Which of the following traits is never observed in a human female? 



Colour blindness 


Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Inheritance and Variation

Safety of polio vaccine is tested in transgenic _________________.





Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.12] Biotechnology

Mucous membrane trapping the microbes acts as a ---------------

physiological barrier

physical barrier

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.1] Human Health and Diseases

Conversion of ammonia into uric acid occurs through --------------

ornithine cycle

guanine cycle

Ionosinic pathway

Kreb’s cycle

Concept: undefined - undefined

Spinal cord and sympathetic ganglion of autonomous nervous system are connected by ______________.

ramus ventralis

ramus communicans

ramus dorsalis


Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Control and Co-ordination

Pregnancy in second trimester is maintained by______.

LH (luteinizing hormone)



HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals
[6]6.A | Answer the following in ‘one’ sentence each:

What is ‘gene flow’?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.05] Origin and Evolution of Life

What do sex linked traits appear in males than in females? 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Inheritance and Variation

What is ‘restriction digestion’?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.12] Biotechnology

What is the use of tissue plasminogen activator?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.12] Biotechnology

Name the type of animal breeding carried out to produce amule.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Enhancement of Food Production

Why is zona pellucid retained around the egg till it reaches the uterus?

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals

Draw a neat and well labeled diagram of human excretory system. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [10.02] Excretion and Osmoregulation
[4]6.C | Attempt any TWO of the following:

Write a note on desert adaptations. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.13] Organisms and Populations

Give the economic importance of fisheries. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.11] Enhancement of Food Production

Distinguish between X and Y chromosomes.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Inheritance and Variation

Give applications of a vaccine. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.12] Biotechnology
[6]7.A | Attempt any TWO of the following :

With the help of a chart, explain the method of sex determination in honeybees.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.03] Inheritance and Variation

Describe the structure of an antibody.


Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.1] Human Health and Diseases
[3]7.A.iii | Distinguish between the following: (Give at least one point of distinction for each pair)

Distinguish between Natality and Mortality.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.13] Organisms and Populations

Competition and Mutualism.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.13] Organisms and Populations

Agricultural water pollution and Shipping water pollution. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.15] Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Issues

Sketch and label V.S. of a human eye.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.09] Control and Co-ordination

Draw a neat and well-labeled diagram showing T.S. of the ovary and describe the menstrual cycle in human females. 

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.02] Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals

The help of a well-labelled diagram describes the internal structure of the human heart.

Concept: undefined - undefined
Chapter: [0.08] Respiration and Circulation

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     Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam Biology question paper solution is key to score more marks in final exams. Students who have used our past year paper solution have significantly improved in speed and boosted their confidence to solve any question in the examination. Our Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam Biology question paper 2014 serve as a catalyst to prepare for your Biology board examination.
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     By referring the question paper Solutions for Biology, you can scale your preparation level and work on your weak areas. It will also help the candidates in developing the time-management skills. Practice makes perfect, and there is no better way to practice than to attempt previous year question paper solutions of Maharashtra State Board 12th Standard Board Exam.

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