
How is Nitric Acid Prepared by Ostwald’S Process? - Chemistry



How is nitric acid prepared by Ostwald’s process?

Write the reactions involved in large scale preparation of Nitric Acid

Solution 1

a. This method is based upon catalytic oxidation of NH3 by atmospheric oxygen.

`4NH_(3(g))+5O_(2(g))"Pt/Rh Catalyst"/"500k,9bar"4NO_(g)+6H_2O_(g)`

Ammonia   Air                                    Nitric acid

b. Nitric oxide reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide.

`2NO_(g) "   "+"   "O_(2(g))⇌2NO_(2(g))`

Nitric oxide Oxygen      Nitrogen


c. Nitrogen dioxide on dissolution in water gives nitric acid.


Nitrogen dioxide  Water    Nitric acid


Solution 2

Ostwald’s process (Large scale preparation): Ostwald’s process is used to prepare nitric
acid on a large scale

a) This method is based upon catalytic oxidation of NH3 by atmospheric oxygen.

b) Nitric oxide reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide

c) Nitrogen dioxide on dissolution in water gives nitric acid

The nitric oxide (NO) thus formed is recycled and the aqueous HNO3 is concentrated
by distillation to give 68 % HNO3 by mass. Further, concentration to 98 % can be
achieved by dehydration with concentrated H2SO4.

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2016-2017 (July)

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