
If p, q, r are the statements with truth values T, F, T, respectively then find the truth value of (r ∧ q) ↔ ∼ p - Mathematics and Statistics



If p, q, r are the statements with truth values T, F, T, respectively then find the truth value of (r ∧ q) ↔ ∼ p


(r ∧ q) ↔ ∼ p
≡ (T ∧ F) ↔ ∼T
≡(T ∧ F) ↔ F [1]
≡ F ↔  F
≡ T
Hence, the truth value is ‘T’

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2015-2016 (July)


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Write the following statement in symbolic form and find its truth value:
∀ n ∈ N, n2 + n is an even number and n2 - n is an odd number.

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.

x – 3 = 14

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.

All real numbers are whole numbers.

State which of the following is the statement. Justify. In case of a statement, state its truth value.

x2 – 6x – 7 = 0, when x = 7

Write the truth values of the following.

It is not true that 5−3i is a real number.

If the statement p, q are true statement and r, s are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:

(q ∧ r) ∨ (∼ p ∧ s)

If the statement p, q are true statement and r, s are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:

(∼ r ↔ p) → ∼ q

If the statement p, q are true statement and r, s are false statement then determine the truth value of the following:

∼ [(∼ p ∧ r) ∨ (s → ∼ q)] ↔ (p ∧ r)

If A = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12}, determine the truth value of the following.

∀ x ∈ A, x is an even number.

If A = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12}, determine the truth value of the following.

∃ x ∈ A such that 3x + 8 > 40

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:

4! = 24.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:

π is an irrational number.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:

India is a country and Himalayas is a river.

Which of the following sentence is the statement in logic? Justify. Write down the truth value of the statement:

Please get me a glass of water.

`sqrt5` is an irrational but `3sqrt5` is a complex number.

Write the truth value of the following statement:

∀ n ∈ N, n + 6 > 8.

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

A triangle has ‘n’ sides.

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

Please grant me a loan.

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

Did you eat lunch yet?

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

(x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2 for all x, y ∈ R. 

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

x2 - y2 = (x + y)(x - y) for all x, y ∈ R.

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

Two co-planar lines are either parallel or intersecting.

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

Give me a compass box.

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

It may rain today.

State which of the following sentence is a statement. Justify your answer if it is a statement. Write down its truth value.

If a + b < 7, where a ≥ 0 and b ≥ 0 then a < 7 and b < 7.

Choose the correct alternative :

The statement (∼ p ∧ q) ∨∼ q is

Choose the correct alternative :

If p is the sentence ‘This statement is false’ then

Choose the correct alternative :

Conditional p → q is equivalent to

Fill in the blanks :

The statement q → p is called as the ––––––––– of the statement p → q.

Fill in the blanks :

Let p : the problem is easy. r : It is not challenging then verbal form of ∼ p → r is –––––––––.

Fill in the blanks :

Truth value of 2 + 3 = 5 if and only if − 3 > − 9 is –––––––––.

State whether the following statement is True or False :

Truth value of 2 + 3 < 6 is F.

State whether the following statement is True or False :

p ∨ q has truth value F is both p and q has truth value F.

State whether the following statement is True or False :

x2 = 25 is true statement.

State whether the following statement is True or False :

Truth value of `sqrt(5)` is not an irrational number is T.

Solve the following :

State which of the following sentences are statements in logic.
Ice cream Sundaes are my favourite.

Solve the following :

State which of the following sentences are statements in logic.
Why are you sad?

Solve the following :

State which of the following sentences are statements in logic.
Do not come inside the room.

Which of the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement, write down the truth value.

The square of every real number is positive.

Which of the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement, write down the truth value.

The Himalayas is the highest mountain range.

Which of the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement, write down the truth value.

0! = 1

Which of the following sentence is a statement? In case of a statement, write down the truth value.

The quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 (a ≠ 0) always has two real roots.

Determine the truth value of the following statement.

4 + 5 = 7 or 9 − 2 = 5

Determine the truth value of the following statement.

x + y = 0 is the equation of a straight line if and only if y2 = 4x is the equation of the parabola.

Assuming the following statement.
p : Stock prices are high.
q : Stocks are rising.
to be true, find the truth value of the following.

Stock prices are not high or stocks are rising.

Assuming the following statement.
p : Stock prices are high.
q : Stocks are rising.
to be true, find the truth value of the following.

Stock prices are high and stocks are rising if and only if stock prices are high.

Assuming the following statement.
p : Stock prices are high.
q : Stocks are rising.
to be true, find the truth value of the following.

If stock prices are high then stocks are not rising.

If p, q, r are statements with truth values T, T, F respectively determine the truth values of the following.

∼ [(p → q) ↔ (p ∧ ∼ q)]

If A = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, determine the truth value of the following statement.

∃ x ∈ A, such that 3x + 2 > 9

If A = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, determine the truth value of the following statement.

∀ x ∈ A, x2 < 18.

If p is any statement then ( p ˅ ∼ p) is a

State the truth value of `sqrt(3)` is not an irrational number

State the truth value of (p ˅ ∼p)

If statements p, q are true and r, s are false, determine the truth values of the following.

(p ∧ ~r) ∧ (~q ∨ s)

State whether the following statement is True or False:

Truth value of `sqrt(3)` is not an irrational number is F

State whether the following statement is True or False:

(p ˅ q) ˄ ~ p is a contradiction

State whether the following statement is True or False:

p ↔ q is false when p and q have different truth values

State whether the following statement is True or False:

p ˅ ~ p ≡ ~ c

Without using truth table show that

(p ∨ q) ∧ (~ p ∨ ~ q) ≡ (p ∧ ~ q) ∨ ( ~ p ∧ q)

If p ↔ q and p → q both are true, then find truth values of the following with the help of activity

p ˄ q

p ↔ q and p → q both are true if p and q has truth value `square`, `square` or `square`, `square`

p ˄ q

i. If both p and q are true, then p ˄ q = `square` ˄ `square` = `square`

ii. If both p and q are false, then p ˄ q = `square` ˄ `square` = `square`

If (p ∧ ~ q) → ~ p is false, the truth values of p and q are respectively.

lf p, q are true statements and r, s are false statements, then find the truth value of ∼ (p ∧ ∼r) ∨ (∼q ∨ s).

Using truth table prove that:

`p → (q ∨ r) ≡ (p → q) ∨ (p → r)`

Find the truth value of the following compound statement:

5 + 4 = 9 and 6 × 3 = 12



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