
Imagine that you have participated in the inter-college group discussion contest on the occasion of National Youth Day. There were three other contenders with you in the final - English



Imagine that you have participated in the inter-college group discussion contest on the occasion of National Youth Day. There were three other contenders with you in the final round of the contest and the topic of the discussion was ‘Paper Books are better than the E-Books’. Write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Answer in Brief


Instructor: We have finally reached the final round of the National Youth Day inter-college group discussion contest and the topic of this round’s discussion is ‘Paper Books are better than the E-Books’. Let the discussion begin.
Maithili: Any book lover would know the feeling of holding a paper book in your hands. Print books have the feel of a book and you can hold it, turn the pages, and feel the paper. You cannot get the same experience with e-books.
Vijay: I agree with Maithili. The satisfaction of physically going to a library and picking out a book is priceless. A part of research conducted across Europe mentions that information is easier recalled when it was read from a paper book as compared to an e-book. Most of us already spend enough time being glued to screens, and staring at another one to read is not very encouraging.
Derek: I have to disagree. E-books are much cheaper as compared to paper books, and are much easier to carry anywhere. It is the feeling of a library at your fingertip.
Vijay: I agree with Derek that an e-book is portable. Besides, you can access the dictionary easily and browse the web too. You can also highlight key parts and browse it conveniently. However, the cost of a Kindle or a reading tablet is high. It is also uncomfortable to read on an electronic device in the sunlight.
Karan: I agree with Vijay. And electronics aren’t really durable when we think of it. Your gadget will last for 5 to 7 years, but a book once bought is yours for a lifetime.
Vijay: And books have so many memories attached to it. They remind us of our bedtime stories with family, Book exchanges of your favorite actor or genre, school readings and so much more.
Maithili: To conclude, I feel that it depends on each person what they prefer. Paper books have a different feeling, but e-books have their fair share of perks too.
Group Discussion
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Chapter 3: Section 3 : Writing Skills - Set 5: A3. Group discussion


SCERT Maharashtra English [Marathi] 12 Standard HSC
Chapter 3 Section 3 : Writing Skills
Set 5: A3. Group discussion | Q 5


Have a Group Discussion on the topic ‘The need of soft skills at workplace’. Use the following points.

(a) Written and verbal communication

(b) Ways of interacting with others

(c) Creative abilities

(d) Emotional intelligence

To listen well is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well and is essential to all true conversations. Form a group and have a group discussion on the topic.

Social Media - Curse or Boon

To listen well is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well and is essential to all true conversations. Form a group and have a group discussion on the topic.

Climate Change

Conduct a group discussion on the role of children towards their ‘Parents and Senior Citizens’.

Prepare the arguments for group discussion on the topic-
‘A balanced progress never harms the Nature.’

You must have discussed many things with your friends, classmates in a group. It might be about going on a picnic or selecting a gift for your teacher.

What do you think are the benefits of a group discussion?

(a) ___________________

(b) ___________________

(c) ____________________

You must have discussed many things with your friends, classmates in a group. It might be about going on a picnic or selecting a gift for your teacher.

Do you think some people are right and some are wrong in a group discussion? Why?

You must have discussed many things with your friends, classmates in a group. It might be about going on a picnic or selecting a gift for your teacher.

People have different views and opinions because:

Complete the web highlighting the uses of ‘Group Discussion’. One is done for you.

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic, ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think about your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama: ________________________
Asif: ________________________
Aarav: ________________________
Rachana: ________________________
Evaluator: Please conclude.
Aarav: ________________________

Read the following statements. If you agree, say ‘Yes’ and if you don’t agree, say ‘No’. State the reason for your opinion.

Sr. No. Statement Yes/ No Reason
1. It is not possible to guess the topic for group discussion. Then there is no need to prepare.    
2. Always have a discussion with your family and friends on different topics.    
3. You must aim to get noticed by the evaluators.    
4. Forget the evaluator and look at the participants while discussion    
5. You should raise your voice to be heard by everyone and speak for a long time to show your knowledge.    
6. You should always take the opportunity to begin the discussion    
7. Take a strong position/view and defend it till the end.    
8. Do not keep waiting for your turn to speak. You have to be alert and quick.    
9. Listening to others also plays an important role in a group discussion.    
10. You must interrupt a person if you do not agree to his opinion.    
11. Show your leadership skills by being assertive, not aggressive.    
12. Participating in a group discussion also means helping everyone to reach a consensus in spite of difference of opinion    

Group discussion helps to unravel the following personality traits in a person.

An economically deprived girl student in your class who has received admission to a reputable college abroad needs monetary help to pursue further studies there. Have a group discussion amongst your friends to seek solutions to help her. Write four/five views in the form of dialogues.

There is an inter-school cricket match and your school is losing. As you are the captain, have a group discussion with your teammates in the tea break about the strategy to be followed to save your school from losing the match. Give at least four/five suggestions.

Form four groups in your class and have a group discussion on the following topic.

Role of ICT in education

You and your friends are talking about 'Clean India'. Have a group discussion with your friends about it. Write at least four/five views in the form of dialogues.

Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘the benefits of travelling’, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘Mobile Addiction’, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘Good Handwriting’, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Imagine that you have passed the entrance examination to get entry into the armed forces. As a test, you participated in a group discussion session with four other candidates on the topic ‘Flood Situation and Mitigating the Natural Disasters’. Write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Group Discussion:

You along with your friends Sujit, Rohit and Kishore discussing their likes and dislikes. But all are fascinated with the reading habit. Write a short group discussion in the form of dialogue telling the importance of reading for enhancing knowledge.

Group Discussion:

Imagine yourself as a participant in a group discussion arranged by an NGO working to promote Swadeshi. The topic is ‘Traditional food provides more nutrition to the children as compared to junk food’.

There are two more participants and evaluator to share their views. Prepare a set of dialogues.

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?

Rama:  ____________
Asif : ____________
Aarav : ____________
Rachana : ____________
Evaluator :   Please conclude.
Aarav : ____________

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think about your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama: ________________________
Asif: ________________________
Aarav: ________________________
Rachana: ________________________
Evaluator: Please conclude
Aarav: ________________________

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

  You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama:   ____________
 Asif:  ____________
Aarav:  ____________
Rachana:   ____________
Evaluator:   Please conclude.
Aarav:  ____________

Imagine, your class has attended a guest lecture on “Career Development.” Write the group discussion in the form of dialogues associated with this lecture among 3 to 4 student participants.

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama: __________________
Asif: __________________
Aarav: __________________
Rachana: __________________
Evaluator: Please conclude.
Aarav: __________________

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama: ______________________________
Asif: ______________________________
Aarav: ______________________________
Rachana: ______________________________
Rama: ______________________________
Evaluator: Please conclude.
Aarav: ______________________________

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama: ______________________________
Asif: ______________________________
Aarav: ______________________________
Rachana: ______________________________
Evaluator: Please conclude.
Aarav: ______________________________

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic, ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food.’ You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama: __________________
Asif: __________________
Aarav: __________________
Rachana: __________________
Evaluator: Please conclude.
Aarav: __________________

Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic, ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator: You've all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today's group discussion, which is 'Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food'. You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?
Rama: ____________
Asif: ____________
Aarav: ____________
Rachana: ____________
Evaluator: Please conclude.
Aarav: ____________



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