Write Lewis dot symbols for atoms of the following elements: Mg, Na, B, O, N, Br.
Solution 1
Mg: There are two valence electrons in Mg atom. Hence, the Lewis dot symbol for Mg is:
Na: There is only one valence electron in an atom of sodium. Hence, the Lewis dot structure is:
B: There are 3 valence electrons in Boron atom. Hence, the Lewis dot structure is:
O: There are six valence electrons in an atom of oxygen. Hence, the Lewis dot structure is:
N: There are five valence electrons in an atom of nitrogen. Hence, the Lewis dot structure is:
Br: There are seven valence electrons in bromine. Hence, the Lewis dot structure is:
Solution 2
`""_12Mg` = 2,8,2 ∴ Lewis symbol =
`""_11Mg` = 2,8,1 ∴ Lewis symbol =
`""_5B` = 2,3 ∴ Lewis symbol =
`""_8O` =2,6 ∴ Lewis symbol =
`""_7N` = 2 , 5 ∴ Lewis symbol =
`""_35Br`= 2,8,18,7 ∴ Lewis symbol =
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