
Write the structure of HClO4. - Chemistry



Write the structure of HClO4.

Short Note


Perchloric acid, HClO4

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2024-2025 (March) Model set 2 by shaalaa.com


Answer the following.

What is the oxidation state of ‘S’ in H2SO4?

Answer the following.

What happens when Cl2 reacts with F2 in equal volume at 437 K.

Write a balanced chemical reaction of sulfuric acid with carbon.

Write a balanced chemical reaction of sulfuric acid with sulfur.

What is oxidation state of sulfur in the following?

Sulfuric acid

Draw the structure of chloric acid.

The formula of chlorous acid is ____________.

The number of S - OH bond in thiosulfuric acid is ____________.

Which of the following oxyacids of sulphur contain four S = 0 bonds?

In which of the following oxoacids 'Cl' exhibit +5 oxidation state?

Which of the following structure represents thiosulfuric acid?

Which of the following oxyacids of chlorine does not contain lone pair of electron on chlorine atom?

Which of the following oxyacid of sulphur contain S-O-S linkage?

The oxidation number of sulfur in the product is ____________.

\[\ce{I2 + SO2 + 2H2O ->}\]

Identify the correct decreasing order of oxidizing power.

What is the oxidation state of chlorine atom in hypochlorous acid?

How many lone pairs of electrons are present on each oxygen atom in any oxyacids of chlorine?

Which among the following halogens does not form the oxide of type OX2? (X = halogen)

Draw the structure of oxyacid of sulphur in which the oxidation state of sulphur is + 4.

How is chlorine obtained by oxidation of HCl. Write the reactions using two oxidizing agents.

Draw structure of H2SO4.

Draw the structure of peroxymonosulphuric acid. 



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