Karnataka Board PUCPUC Science 2nd PUC Class 12

Write the truth table for circuit given in figure below consisting of NOR gates and identify the logic operation (OR, AND, NOT) which this circuit is performing. - Physics



Write the truth table for circuit given in figure below consisting of NOR gates and identify the logic operation (OR, AND, NOT) which this circuit is performing.

(Hint: A = 0, B = 1 then A and B inputs of second NOR gate will be 0 and hence Y=1. Similarly work out the values of Y for other combinations of A and B. Compare with the truth table of OR, AND, NOT gates and find the correct one.)



A and B are the inputs of the given circuit. The output of the first NOR gate is `bar(A +B)`. It can be observed from the following figure that the inputs of the second NOR gate become the out put of the first one.

Hence, the output of the combination is given as:

`Y = bar(bar("A+B") + bar("A+B")) = bar(bar("A").bar("B")) + bar(bar"A".bar"B")`

`= bar(bar"A".bar"B") = bar(bar"A") + bar(bar"B") = "A + B"`

The truth table for this operation is given as:

B Y (=A + B)
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

This is the truth table of an OR gate. Hence, this circuit functions as an OR gate.

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Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits - Exercise [Page 499]


NCERT Physics [English] Class 12
Chapter 14 Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits
Exercise | Q 14.14 | Page 499
NCERT Physics [English] Class 12
Chapter 14 Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits
Exercise | Q 18 | Page 511


The following figure shows the input waveforms (A, B) and the output waveform (Y) of a gate. Identify the gate, write its truth table and draw its logic symbol.

The logic gate which produces LOW output when one of the input is HIGH and produces
HIGH output only when all of its inputs are LOW is called _______.

(A) AND gate

(B) OR gate

(C) NOR gate

(D) NAND gate

You are given the two circuits as shown in following figure. Show that circuit

  1. acts as OR gate while the circuit
  2. acts as AND gate.



Write the truth table for a NAND gate connected as given in the following figure.

Hence identify the exact logic operation carried out by this circuit

You are given two circuits as shown in following figure, which consist of NAND gates. Identify the logic operation carried out by the two circuits.



Draw the schematic symbols for AND, OR, NOT and NAND gate

Draw logic symbol of an OR gate and write its truth table. 

Let  \[X = A \overline{ BC} + B\overline{ CA} + C\overline{AB } .\]   Evaluate X for A = 1, B = 0, C = 1. 

Let  \[X = A \overline{ BC} + B\overline{ CA} + C\overline{AB } .\]   Evaluate X for  A = B = C = 1. 

Design a logical circuit using AND, OR and NOT gates to evaluate  \[A \overline { BC } + B \overline{ CA }\] .


Draw the truth table of a NOR gate.

A radar is sending out pules of 1 micro second duration at interval of 100 micro-second. The range of the radar is

In potential barrier development in a junction diode opposes

Which logic gate is similar to a function of two series switches?

For the given circuit, the input digital signals are applied at terminals A, B, and C. What would be the output at terminal y?

How would you set up a circuit to obtain NOT gate using a transistor?

Write the truth table for the circuit shown in figure. Name the gate that the circuit resembles.

An X-OR gate has following truth table:

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

It is represented by following logic relation `Y = barA.B + A.barB`. Build this gate using AND, OR and NOT gates.

The given figure shows the waveforms for two inputs A and B and that for the output Y of a logic circuit. The logic circuit is ______.




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