Explain the concept of tissue culture.
- ‘Ex vivo growth of cells or tissues in an aseptic and nutrient-rich medium’ is called tissue culture.
- Nowadays, a complete organism can be developed from a single cell or from tissue with help of the tissue culture technique.
- A liquid, solid or gel-like medium prepared from agar, which supplies nutrients and energy necessary for tissue culture is used in this technique.
- Its uses are in the production of cash crops, improvement in varieties of cash crops, increase in abilities of plants to withstand environmental stresses, vaccine production, early diagnosis of congenital diseases, organ transplant, cancer research, production of artificial skin, cartilage, etc. in laboratories.
Various processes in tissue-culture
Describe the methodology of tissue culture.
Name the technology that has helped scientists to propagate on a large scale the desired crops in a short duration. List the steps carried out to propagate the crops by the said technique.
How are somatic hybrids obtained?
Mention two advantages of micro propagation.
Give two examples where micropropagation is commercially adopted
Describe different steps involved in tissue culture technique
Answer the following question:
What is a clone?
List any four applications of tissue culture.
Name the technique and the property of plant cells that can help to grow somaclones of certain desired varieties of apple. Explain how somaclones of apple can be obtained in the lab so as to get the desired variety on a large scale.
In plant tissue culture auxin is used for ____________.
Identify labels P, Q, R in the given figure of root showing different regions.
Callus is ______.
In virus-infected plants the meristematic tissues in both apical and axillary buds are free of virus because ______.
An explant is ______.
Micro-propagation is ______.
What are the advantages of tissue culture methods over conventional method of plant breeding in crop improvement programmes?
The pH of nutrient medium for plant tissue culture is in the range of ______.
Write a short note on callus culture.
Write a short note on suspension culture.
What does the plant tissue culture medium consists of?