
Following table shows a frequency distribution for the speed of cars passing through at a particular spot on a high way: Class interval (km/h) Frequency 30 – 40 3 40 – 50 6 50 – 60 25 60 – 70 65 - Mathematics



Following table shows a frequency distribution for the speed of cars passing through at a particular spot on a high way:

Class interval (km/h) Frequency
30 – 40 3
40 – 50 6
50 – 60 25
60 – 70 65
70 – 80 50
80 – 90 28
90 – 100 14

Draw the frequency polygon representing the above data without drawing the histogram.



First we obtain in the class marks (mid-marks) of the given table as:

Class-marks = `("Lower limit" + "Upper limit")/2`

Since, the new table is shown below:

Class interval Class marks Frequency
30 – 40 35 3
40 – 50 45 6
50 – 60 55 25
60 – 70 65 65
70 – 80 75 50
80 – 90 85 28
90 – 100 95 14

Now, let’s draw a frequency polygon by plotting the class marks along the x-axis and the frequency along y-axis.

Also, plotting all the points as B(35, 3), C(45, 6), (D(55, 25), E(65, 65), F(75, 50), G(85, 28) and H(95, 14). 

Then join all these point line segment, shown below:

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Chapter 14: Statistics & Probability - Exercise 14.4 [Page 149]


NCERT Exemplar Mathematics [English] Class 9
Chapter 14 Statistics & Probability
Exercise 14.4 | Q 8. | Page 149

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The following table gives the distribution of students of two sections according to the mark obtained by them:-

Section A Section B
Marks Frequency Marks Frequency
0 - 10 3 0 - 10 5
10 - 20 9 10 - 20 19
20 - 30 17 20 - 30 15
30 - 40 12 30 - 40 10
40 - 50 9 40 - 50 1

Represent the marks of the students of both the sections on the same graph by two frequency polygons. From the two polygons compare the performance of the two sections.

100 surnames were randomly picked up from a local telephone directory and a frequency distribution of the number of letters in the English alphabet in the surnames was found as follows:

Number of letters Number of surnames
1 - 4 6
4 - 6 30
6 - 8 44
8 - 12 16
12 - 20 4
  1. Draw a histogram to depict the given information.
  2. Write the class interval in which the maximum number of surnames lie.

Read the bar graph given in Fig. 23.17 and answer the following questions:
(i) What information is given by the bar graph?
(ii) What was the crop-production of rice in 1970 - 71?
(iii) What is the difference between the maximum and minimum production of rice?


The population of Delhi State in different census years is as given below:

Census year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001
Population in Lakhs 30 55 70 110 150

The following data gives the amount of loans (in crores of rupees) disbursed by a bank during some years:

Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
(in crores of rupees)
28 33 55 55 80

(i) Represent the above data with the help of a bar graph.
(ii) With the help of the bar graph, indicate the year in which amount of loan is not increased over that of the preceding year.

The following data shows the average age of men in various countries in a certain year:

Country India Nepal China Pakistan U.K U.S.A
Average age
(in years)
55 52 60 50 70 75

Represent the above information by a bar graph.

The following data gives the value (in crores of rupees) of the Indian export of cotton textiles for different years:

Years 1982 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987
Value of Export
of Cotton Textiles
(in crores of rupees)
300 325 475 450 550

Represent the above data with the help of a bar graph. Indicate with the help of a bar graph the year in which the rate of increase in exports is maximum over the preceding year.

The following tables gives the quantity of goods (in crore tonnes)

Year 1950-51 1960-61 1965-66 1970-71 1980-81 1982-83
Quantity of Goods
(in crore tonnes)
9   16 20 20 22 26
Represent this information with the help of a bar graph.
Explain through the bar graph if the quantity of goods carried by the Indian Railways in 1965-66 is more than double the quantity of goods carried in the year 1950-51.

The birth rate thousand of the following states over a certain period is given below:

States Punjab Haryana U.P. Gujarat Rajasthan Jammu and Kashmir
Birth Rate (per thousand ) 22.9 21.8 19.5 21.1 23.9 18.3

Draw a bar graph for the above data.

The frequency distribution has been represented graphically as follows:

Marks 0 – 20  20 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 100
Number of Students 10 15 20 25

Do you think this representation is correct? Why?



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