How will you convert Propanoic acid into ethanoic acid
Convert aniline into 1, 3, 5-tribromobenzene.
Write the IUPAC name of the following compound and classify it as primary, secondary and tertiary amine.
Write the IUPAC name of the following compound and classify it as primary, secondary and tertiary amine.
Write the IUPAC name of the following compound and classify it as primary, secondary and tertiary amine.
Give one chemical test to distinguish between the following pair of compounds.
Ethylamine and aniline
Give one chemical test to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds.
Aniline and benzylamine
Give one chemical test to distinguish between the following pair of compounds.
Aniline and N-methylaniline.
Account for the following:
Ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not.
How will you convert Methanol to ethanoic acid
Accomplish the following conversions - Aniline to 2,4,6-tribromofluorobenzene
Accomplish the following conversions - Aniline to benzyl alcohol.
An aromatic compound ‘A’ on treatment with aqueous ammonia and heating forms compound ‘B’ which on heating with Br2 and KOH forms a compound ‘C’ of molecular formula C6H7N. Write the structures and IUPAC names of compounds A, B and C.
Complete the following reactions:
`C_6H_5N_2Cl +C_2H_5OH->`
Complete the following reactions:
`C_6H_5NH_2 + Br_2(aq) ->`
What is the action of p-toluenesulphonychloride on ethylamine and diethylamine?
Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pair of compounds:
Benzaldehyde and Benzoic acid
Identify the incorrect IUPAC name.
Do the following conversions in not more than two steps:
\ce{CH3CN to CH3 - C - CH3}\\